Water x Divination

The aura enveloped the young boy making all his senses improve. Sasuke realized that he could change the diameter of his aura, either by expanding or reducing it. What surprised the boy was the clear difference between his previous self without knowing how to use the aura and now with the aura thing he was on a totally different level.

"Very good boy, your aura is incredibly strong, but that's not what impresses me the most, if not your control over it. Being able to expand and reduce it on your first attempt is something incredible in itself. "- Mizuken said surprised by the actions of the boy.

"I see, what is the next step?" - Sasuke asked as he stopped the flow of his aura.

"Next you will do the water test to know in which category of Nen you belong. As you saw before, use your aura now in the cup with water and something will happen in it but before that i will explaing about all the six different types. Listen well because I will only explain it to you once. "- said the hunter.

"Go ahead." - Sasuke replied waiting for his benefactor to begin with the explanation.

"If a student increases the quantity of water in the glass during their Water Divination, then that student is an Enhancer. Enhancement is the ability to use aura to increase the natural abilities of an object or one's own body. Therefore, Enhancers are able to greatly increase their physical attack and defense and are best suited for melee combat. Proficient Enhancers who also take good care of their body can make it far more durable than tanks[96] and generate the force of a missile with one blow. It is rare to find male Enhancers with supportive abilities since most of them look to increase their combat prowess

Enhancement is the most balanced category, allowing users to alternate evenly between attack and defense and become very strong using only simple skills. One of the examples of the more complex skills of enhancer includes the improvement of the healing factor of the user. This is the first group and normally those belonging to this category specialize in combat missions etc. "- said Mizuken.

"A very useful category" - Sasuke thought as he nodded so that the hunter would continue with his explanation.

"If a student changes the taste of water during their water test it is a Transmuter. An affinity for Transmutation means that a person can change the properties of his aura to mimic something else. Transmuters can copy the properties of both real and unreal things. The substances created are invisible to people who are unaware of the existence of Nen. "- Mizuken explained.

"What do you mean unreal things?" - asked Sasuke.

"There are some Transmuters that can merge more than one element and thus change its aura with the properties of specific elements. It is an extremely rare thing since you need to have a high knowledge or have been in contact with it for many years to use it in your aura. "- Mizuken finished saying what Sasuke simply nodded.

"If a student changes the color of the water in the glass during their Water Divination, then that student is an Emitter. An affinity for Emission means that a user has an easier time separating their aura from their body. Aura usually decreases in intensity very quickly when it leaves the source body, but adept Emitters can separate their aura from their body for long periods of time, over long distances, and still be able to maintain it and its functions. As you saw before, this is my Nen category. "- explained the hunter.

"If a student creates an object in the water in the glass during their Water Divination, then that student is a Conjurer. In most cases, Conjuration is intended as the ability to create a physical, independent, material object out of one's aura; however, users of this category can also create laws and principles and affix them to a specific area. The durability of a conjured object can generally be taken as a measure of the user's skill, although conditions can be used to strengthen it. "- Mizuken finished.

"Interesting" - Sasuke said quietly.

"If a student moves the leaf floating on the water in the glass during their Water Divination, then that student is a Manipulator. Abilities belonging to Manipulation allow the user to control living or non-living things, including aura constructs. The main advantage of this category in combat is the ability to manipulate the enemy themselves. "- said Mizuken.

"It's basically about controlling your enemy's mind, something that my Sharingan does wonderfully. I hope i don't have an affinity with this category. "- Sasuke thought.

"If a student causes some other effect during their Water Divination, then that student is a Specialist or Special. Specialization could be broadly defined as anything that does not belong in any of the other five categories, making it the vaguest Nen type. In this category I can not explain anything else because I do not know much about these users. "- The hunter concluded somewhat tired.

"Now you can start with the test, put your aura and let's see the category of your Nen." - Mizuken said.

Sasuke quickly lit his aura around his hand, and without thinking twice directed his energy toward the cup. The young man waited and when he saw that nothing was happening, he stopped his aura and asked the professor.

"What's going on?" - asked Sasuke.

"Congratulations you are a transmuter, the water changed flavor, in case you want to try it." - said the hunter.

"I see, Could you tell me how I should train my Nen by being a transmuter?" - said Sasuke.

After a few moments of silence.

"I am not entirely sure, you should think of some element that has a certain affinity, when you are clear let me know and we will think of some training method." - Mizuken finished.

"So I have to think of an element, those that come to mind apart from my affinity with space / time since I am not interested in spending the possibility of another element of my Nen on something that I already. The best thing would be an element such as light or perhaps darkness, or also anti-energy. "- Sasuke thought. "Having my light-related Nen could help me in combat, both remotely and melee. It can cause a lot of damage and above all its main characteristic would be speed. Then it would be the darkness that would allow me to combine it with a weapon or use it defensively. My Nen of darkness would also influence the gravitational attraction to me and unlike the light, this type of Nen would be much more balanced in terms of defense and attack. And as a last option it would be to create something similar to anti-energy, which allows me to cancel the aura or energy of others, either by physical contact or at a short and medium distance. "- Sasuke finished thinking.