Chapter 10: A friend or a foe

For a few seconds, I thought that I was dead. >Oh gosh... Why didn't I just jump... I am so fucking stupid!< I was scared to open my eyes, scared to see what's happening next. Until...

"But none of them knows where the shelter is...Or at least I think so." The woman said calmly but still judging

I opened my eyes and was more than relieved to see her purple robe and beautiful lips again. Her pistol was just centimeters away from my head and I somehow still felt the warmth of the gunpowder on my jaw and neck.

I sighed a big sigh of relief. >I'm still alive!< For a second I felt like vomiting and choked up whatever was in my stomach.

"Eww!" She jumped back a bit, probably afraid of me vomiting all over her.

I gulped down whatever I choked up. "I'm fine, I'm fine!" I had to cough and turned over to her. "What the hell was that about!?"

"What do you mean what was that about?" She said indignantly. "You're really not from here, huh?" She turned away in a repellent gesture. "I guess I can trust you..." She suddenly drew her pistol again and held it against my head with a stretched out arm. "For now at least."

I suddenly felt like vomiting again. "Please stop that or I'll have to throw up."

She gave out a quick "Eew" again and just put away her weapon. "You are a scaredy cat, huh?" She said, poking fun at me.

"Not really, I was just never so careless and close to death before," I answered. And that wasn't even some kind of excuse I made up. That really was the closest I had ever been to death. Normally I was the careful sneaky guy, like she was right now, and not the dumb and helpless one.

Without even seeing her face I could tell that she looked at me perplexed before snorting and turning away.

"Hey, what's up?" I asked a bit worrying. Then I heard her giggling and put one and one together. >What was so funny?<

Suddenly she couldn't keep it in anymore and she busted out laughing.

"Hey! What are you laughing at?" I said a bit offended because she was most likely laughing at me.

She took a deep breath, trying to calm down. "You're the tough and sneaky guy then, huh?" A wide grin formed on her face before she busted out in laughter again.

"It's true, okay?" I said offended.

"Yeah sure, with that thing," She pointed to my blaster which was hanging on my belt, "and no knowledge of our planets enemies, sure." She continued to chuckle a bit but seemed to be at least a bit calmer.

"I'm new here, what do you expect?" I asked ironically, trying to get out of that very uncomfortable conversation.

"These things." She pointed to the Monster that was still laying next to the small container. "Are everywhere. I doubt you've never seen one living here. or wherever you are coming from."

>Oh man I wish there were people understanding my Abilities... But I really can't tell anyone.< I sighed. "Ok look. I can't really tell you where I'm from, but I swear that I never saw one before."

She tilted her head a bit sideways, looking a bit perplexed again.

"Just let us go already, okay? I just wanna go to th-" And I got interrupted once again. >Come on girl! Relax already...< Is the only thing I thought.

"Wait, wait, wait. You really never saw one before?" She asked curious.

>Oh gosh. I guess I said something wrong again.< "Yeah." I answered, trying to have the best Pokerface possible for me.

"Don't tell me you are from..." She took a few fast steps forward so that she was exactly in front of me.

She was a whole head and a bit small than me. I haven't measured my height in a long time, but I was about 1.80m, which would make her about 1.60m.

Additionally, her hood slid back a bit, revealing a beautiful face. Her small lips were perfectly fitting in her face with a small, pointy nose, two sparkling blue eyes and a snow-white hairline that I could only make out a bit.

>Wow.< Is the only thing I thought. >She is stunning.<

When I finally came back to myself she finished her sentence. "You are from... Atlantis?"