Chapter 9: Angel or Demon

A light flew past my head with such a force, that it felt like a huge gust of wind was blowing in my face. "Woah." I was amazed at it, even though I didn't even know what was going on.

My gaze turned over to the Monster again, which was now standing a few meters apart from me. It was heavily breathing and you could see and hear the black 'shell' dripping down from his body. >Yup, it's defiantly a fluid. Just like the Monsters on Keptar087, huh?< I thought to myself while continuing to inspect this thing.

I couldn't really see much, as it was beginning to get dark but I still tried my best without getting to close. Maybe it was still alive and just shocked, how could I know?

I turned my attention away from the Monster again and tried to spot the woman that helped me. >A sniper, huh?< I rummaged around inside my way too big pocket and grabbed out small binoculars to help me find her. >She's also a sneaky one...< I turned my head from left to right, from right to left, basically everywhere, but couldn't find her. >Really sneaky.<

Suddenly I heard something beside me, where the Monster was standing just a few seconds ago. >Oh shit! I forgot about it!< I quickly turned again, blaster drawn out and ready to shoot.

But where I aimed was just a purple robe, covering someone that rummaged around in a small bag. "Where is it, where it!?" A woman's voice mumbled.

>That's her huh?... Sneaky...< "H-Hello?" I asked careful. I tried to not anger her, after what I've seen.

"Hi." She said without even turning to me, basically completely ignoring me.

"Uhh..." I didn't know what to say. "Thanks for saving me." I finally got out.

"No problem."

>Not the biggest fan of talking, huh?< "I am Adam, by the way. What's your name?" I tried to guide the conversation a bit more because it was really awkward.

"I am-" She stopped talking and threw one of her hands out of the bag and into the air. There was a small container inside of it, probably what she was searching for. "Ha! I got it!" She said excitedly.

"What you've got? And what was your name?" I said, trying to get the attention back to me.

But she completely ignored me, starting to place the container in the fluid around the dead Monster. His skin was just like the fluid completely black, almost blacker than black. She touched a small bulge on top of the container and suddenly there were several blue lights and a few more buttons on it.

"Woah. What is that?" I mumbled impressed. Even though I already saw a lot in my life now, I still was easily amazed by Sci-Fi stuff. I just loved it.

"That's an MFS." She said, still pushing some buttons on the container.

"MFS?" I asked in hopes of a clarification.

"A Magnetic Fluid Soaker. It soaks magnetic fluids inside of it, pretty self-explanatory name, I guess. Here, see." She pushed a last time, stood up and took a step backward, her back still facing me so that I still hadn't seen a face.

The fluid on the ground slowly but surely started to clot around the container and then get inside of it.

"Wow, that's pre-" I was just about to show my amazement when she suddenly turned and in the blink of an eye stood right in front of me, holding a white pistol onto my jaw. Even though I suddenly found myself in a pretty life-threatening situation, I still noticed two things:

1) I still couldn't see her face, because the hood of the robe was hanging into her face, leaving only her lips revealed.


2) Those lips were gorgeous. Those small, pink lips were somehow the most beautiful I had ever seen, I don't know why.

"When you don't even know about MFS, you are not from here, right?" She asked. Her voice was now sharp and not at all friendly like earlier.

"Uhh, yes. B-But I can explain!" I muttered. Reality had now kicked back in for me and I noticed in what kind of situation I was in right now.

"Then explain yourself!" She yelled. "I bet you are one of 'them'..." Her emphasis on 'them' made me really not wanna be one of them.

"I-I am from the shelter in the east." I pointed somewhere in the direction that I remembered coming from.

"Liar!" She yelled. "I know every single soul in the shelter, and you are not one of them!"

"No, wait, wai-"

I was interrupted by a deafening bang right next to my face, followed by a warm feeling next to my jaw.

>She shot?<