I meet the wonder woman(remake)

Eli p.o.v

I've been with Constantine for a few days and met alot of interesting people including Mani the angel.

But things have gotten a bit dull so I've decided to make a to-do list so as to pass time. Hopefully I can meet even more people like Barry, Iris, Sisco even Thawne hmm maybe even visit the league I've got lots to do.

Anyway I'm helping Constantine deal with a demon right now and by helping I mean sitting at the side with my popcorn and watching Constantine have his ass handed to him.

" Aaaaaah" Constantine screamed as he got flung out a window straight into a wall.

Soon the demon followed it was possessing a little girl and speaking in some creepy voice " you can't stop me John Constantine. "

I'm actually curious as to why demons always go after children or appear as children like why do they, I know a lot of demons like Annabelle, Pennywise, Valek... "A little help" I was brought out of my little rant by Constantine plead for help.

"nah you got this." I say whilst shoving my face with popcorn.

He scoffs, grabs the demons hand and twists it behind —him…her…you know what I'm gonna go with it— behind it, he smirks I suppose proud of his handiwork " hah " but then the demon twists it's whole body cause some sickening crunches and a creepy scene and laughs whilst alternating it's voice between cute child and creepy growly voice.

to be honest the cute voice creeps me out more.

"oh bullocks." were John last words before he got pummeled once more.

After a while Constantine finally exorcised the demon with it spouting some cliché crap like 'I'll be back' before going back to hell.

when John was done dealing with the aftermath he came to me " you could have done something. " " I was, I was cheering you on." which earned me a glare from Constantine.


We were enjoying some big belly burgers after the whole demon fiasco when lighting came out of nowhere and struck the ground before me clearing to reveal everyone's favourite Amazon, the wonder woman , Diana Prince.(A/N not sure about the sur name if I made a mistake please say so)

There she was in her full Amazon glory "Zeus demands your presence on Olympus." she in a tone which said she won't take no for an answer " demands huh … how about the 7 th of never through to the 15th of not gonna happen. "

"you dare mock the gods" "yes.yes I do." and with that I had a fist flying straight for my face, I sidestepped the punch and backhanded her into a building.

I was enjoying the feeling of being invincible in this world when a lasso wrapped around my hand and pulled me straight to her, when her knee came in contact with my face, now I could have prevented this, used armament haki but no I was used to being completely impervious to anything so I was not prepared for what happened next.

what followed next was me flying straight to a wall across the street and a sensation I had long forgotten, I think it starts with the letter p...what was it again?...oh right pain.

I was in a wall next thing I know with random passersbys looking at me and taking pictures " ouch John a little help. " I asked Constantine who was just sitting there enjoying his burger.

" nah you got this. " he said with a smirk on his face.

I turned to look at the wonder woman who was walking towards me okay it's time I got serious taking my axe out of my mindspace and summoning my armour Thor style.

"let's do this."...


I'm remade this chapter apparently majority prefer mc to be op.

this is last time I'll be changing my story to suit readers if you don't like it you can leave