
Before we continue let's get one thing straight Diana packs a punch.

we've being going at this for a while and safe to say we are about even although I am holding back and I mean alot.

I am using only 60 % of my strength without any form of haki as well as the abilities contained within my axe, which was impressive since no one else had been able to last this long against me since I arrived in this world.

"okay I'm bored." saying so I used the energy within my axe to implant her straight into the cement.

she stood once more all bloodied but the look in her eyes told me she was far from giving up after our short stair down I decided I might as well see what the Greeks want from me.

"alright I will accompany you back to Olympus."

she looked stunned at my abrupt change of mind before she could react I was before and woosh we were gone.


in a small town in Canada.

a lot of black vans could be seen driving into a town or what was left of it.

Men in suits unhurriedly moved around securing the area and trying their hardest to figure out what had happened here.

from the last car a familiar woman stepped out it was Lyla Michaels the former agent now turned director.

after her encounter with the God Elicron and the death of Amanda Waller the government decided to make her the new director of

A .R.G.U.S.

"Agent tell me, what the hell happened here?"

she spoke as she looked at what was once a town. " ma'am we have no idea what weapon could have caused this. "

" so we have nothing. "

"no ma'am we have energy readings we are still trying to decipher and one witness."

" where is this witness? "

" right this way ma'am. " the agent led Lyla to an observatory where a woman was being comforted. " she is Dr. Octavious claimed she saw everything "

Lyla went infront of the woman " hello Dr. Octavious I am director Michaels I need you to tell me what happened. "

" it was one man wherever he passed people and things were turning to dust he came asking my husband about a power source... and when he got the information he was looking for he.... he... he killed him, my husband turned to dust! he killed him!"

she began to sob uncontrollably.

"we believe she might have gone mad." the agent spoke up " maybe not" Lyla said after remaining silent for a while.

" Director you don't really believe what she is saying right." the agent was skeptical and Lyla didn't blame him if she hadn't seen that man, if she had not witnessed what that man was capable of she wouldn't believe the doctor either.

At that moment another agent came in revealing what the energy reading was and when she saw it she couldn't be more familiar with it as she had reported this same energy signature to Waller.

there were some minor difference but the similarities where glaring. she questioned the doctor more and based on what she learnt she came to a frightening conclusion one she wished was not true because if it was... then may God have mercy on their souls.

one of her agents saw the pure look of horror on her face and asked what was wrong

"there is another one..."



Eli decided to make a grand entrance by first appearing before the throne room and kicking the door down whilst holding on to the Wonder Woman " honey I'm home!"

with those words the gods flashed in their weapons pointed at him.