A deal with the gods

"how about you put the weapon down and we speak like civilised gods." I spoke up trying to lighten the mood when a sword came slashing towards me.

I immediately coated my self in armament haki causing the blade to smash upon impact and I have to say the face on Ares face was absolutely priceless.

Grabbing him by his throat I brought him close " now that wasn't nice" saying so I blasted him with my lasers, sending him straight to his throne and smashing it.

Turning to the rest of the gods who were more tense seeing me taking out one of them without the slightest bit effort.

Dropping wonder woman I spoke once more" let's try this again, put down the weapons and let's speak like civilised gods."

"you barge into our throne room and attack one of our own and expect us to be civilised?!"

"technically he attacked me first and that was just self defense."

after an intense staring contest the gods retreated back to their thrones and we began our conversation though I didn't miss the glare Ares, Hera along with Wonder woman were giving me.

"soooo are you gonna start or should I?..."

" what are you doing on our lands. "- Zeus


" do you really expect us to believe you?"-Athena

" well... yeah that's why I said it."

"are we a joke to you?"- Hera

"look I came here to tell you to stop stalking me, it's kind of annoying."

"you honestly expect us to let a random god who could be our enemy roam our lands unsupervised."

"I have no plans whatsoever to claim your authority I am just sightseeing that is it."

"Then you have no qualms in swearing your loyalty to Olympus."-Zeus

"Now we have a problem, I am loyal to no one but my self."

"How do we know you won't try to overthrow us."-Poseidon

"haven't you been listening... fine you don't mess with me I don't mess with you its simple as that do we have a deal."

" swear it on the river styx."-Zeus

"fine I swear on the river styx to stay out of your way if you stay out of mine."

with that thunder boomed to signify my oath although I'm sure if I ever broke the oath the river could do nothing to me not like I would anyway not that they need to know that.


Batman had just arrived for his meeting with Lyla he didn't know much about what the meeting was about just that it was something important and it had to do with Elicron.

"it's good to see you batman."

"what is going on?"

"I recently received a case in Canada a small town."

"what happened there."

"the whole town gone only one survivor."

she showed pictures of the town to batman after watching for a bit he spoke up.

"what did this?"

"it's not a what is a who, how much do you know about Elicron."

" you think he did this?"

" I think someone like him did this. you know what he can do and if there someone else like him what's to say there isn't more maybe a whole army?" as she finished she got chills thinking of an army of people like Elicron.

"I look into it."