Central City

it's been a month since I met the olympians and since then I've been keeping a low profile.

I moved to Central City where the flash will eventually be born but as of now Thawne who is Wells is still building the particle accelerator.

Another important thing I've discovered is I am getting stronger every day at first it was to small of a difference for me to notice but now I am about 50% stronger than I was when I first arrived.

My coffee finally arrived, I couldn't come all the way to Central City and not visit Cc jitters and I have to say it was worth it.

"here you go." Iris said as she handed me my coffee, Iris West future Mrs. West-Allen wife of Barry Allen aka the flash and mother of Nora West-Allen aka Xs.

she began working here a week ago and we have become close. "so are you doing anything this evening?"

"no why?"

"I just got two tickets to the movies"

"what about Barry?"

yeah since we became friends she has been telling me about Barry and although I know a lot about the flash it still fun to hear about his life when he was younger.

"apparently he is busy working on some case tonight so he won't make it so you coming?"

"why not, I would love to."

"great meet me here at 7. I've got to go back to work see you later."

saying so she left me and headed back to work. I just to a sip of my coffee when three members of the team flash walked in at the front was everyones favourite tech savvy Latino Cisco Ramon behind him was the ever loving and future host of Killer frost Caitlin Snow with her soon to be dead fiance Ronnie Raymond.

Whilst Elicron was enjoying his coffee in the Bat Cave in Gotham.

"here you go master Bruce." Alfred came in with some tea for Bruce ever since he had that meeting with Lyla he had been cooped up in the Bat cave leaving the patrols to Dick Grayson Aka Night wing

"Tell me Alfred, what do you see?"

"hmm old pictures and designs of two armies battling."

"exactly, ever since Lyla contacted me and told about her fears I've been researching Elicron's mythology, apparently there was once a war between him and his brother for the universe both commanding armies of immense power."

"And according to this they were all wiped out."

"that's what bothers me Alfred it claims they were all killed and yet Elicron is here and I suspect that Phytdn was responsible for our recent incident and if that's the case the chances of their armies surviving...."

"oh my, I now see the problem."

"according to my research other research centres have been attacked and their research pertaining to energy and space have been stolen."

"and I'm guessing you think Phytdn is involved."

"Alfred clear my schedule for this week if what I'm thinking is right then there is one place yet to be attacked...." turning to the screen " Star Labs"