Eobard Thawne

A man walked into the time vault.He was dropped in a black suit with glasses on. "hello Gideon" "hello Dr. wells" .

The man was none other than Eobard Thawne disguised as Dr Harrison Wells. "how long till the particle accelerator's completion."

" in one year and four months. "


"Sir, I would like to tell you about a change in the timeline."

"change? show me."

A holographic screen appears of a headline for a few days from now saying 'star labs attacked by the gods?'.

seeing the title there was a look of worry and confusion on Thawne " Gideon ran an analysis is there any chance of the timeliness reverting back to the original. "

"sorry Dr Wells my analysis has shown that this event is irreversible."

"damn it" *slam* "what is the delay to the completion if the particle accelerator."

"none Dr Wells everything is still on schedule."

"good, I didn't spend years on this just for it to fail because of some gods. Gideon keep scanning update me of any changes to the timeline."


"that was fun." Eli spoke as he and Iris came out of the cinema "yeah especially where they first meet,that was the best part." Iris spoke up thinking back on the movie they just watched.

Eli was about to speak up when he saw someone flying up ahead, now if it was a few years later he wouldn't be bothered but he was sure at this time in the Arrowverse he should be the only one capable of such a feat.

looking at Iris who was by his side she was also looking at the oddity before. he decided to send her home quickly then find out what was going on.


Batman was flying over to central city in his jet when he spotted something on his scanners, zooming in, he found out the something was a someone who was flying straight for star labs with a scowl he turned following the person whilst in stealth mode.

Soon they reached star labs the person just landed right infront of the building and blew the door of its hinges, deciding it best to stop this person from causing anymore damage.

he was about to turn of stealth and attack when the person was sent flying by a familiar figure, Elicron.

Eli P.O.V

I punched this guy just before he set foot into star labs I wasn't sure who he was but I wasn't about to let this guy stop the birth of the flash.

The guy was dressed in ancient armour just like me just that his gave of some dark vibe. He slowly stood up and began to speak. " it's nice to see you once more brother."

and with those words I was confused and I began to look at this guy like he had some screws loose which he probably did.

"don't tell me you have forgotten me brother." saying so he removed his helmet revealing his face. seeing his face memories flashed into my head, I knew who this guy was and all I could say was "Oh f*ck."