when God said he was giving me a backstory I was okay with it I thought I would probably fit in more prevent unnecessary questions and attention from some beings.
What I wasn't expecting was for God to give me a brother, not that I have a problem with that no, no what I have a problem is having a psychotic brother who is responsible for the destruction of my pantheon and wanted to conquer but now just wants to ruin my life.
"what's wrong brother you look like you've seen a ghost." Phytdn spoke with a smirk plastered on his face.
"what are you doing here?"
"now now is that how to speak to your brother you haven't seen in what, a thousand years?"
"has it been a thousand I hoped for longer, now answer my question what are you doing here?"
"*Sigh* fine Im just here to take some stuff and I'll be out of your hair."
"yeah no."
"excuse me?"
"no, I said no, n.o. no"
"just like old times then."
I sped towards him before he was done and landed a punch with all the strength I could muster plus armament haki sending him flying into a building I'll admit I was hoping that was enough but he got right back up.
"is that all brother? I remember the days when you could punch a person to the moon what happened to that monstrous strength of yours." saying so he was right infront of me faster than I could react.
"now look at you, you can't even keep up." I was sent straight into star labs. I got up seeing lots of people in lab coats running around but one person stood out to me. Tom Cavanagh or as he is known in this world Harrison Wells but before I could do much I was picked up and flung into the ceiling.
" come on brother your making this too easy. I expected a battle like the old days one to get my blood pumping. " he said as he flew to deliver another punch.
not willing to take a Beatdown I blasted him back down with my lasers and entered a full on brawl.
Dr Wells P.OV
I watched these two gods go at each other. I was amazed by their power I knew this wasn't their full potential as I had seen them fight in the future and the scale of destruction was leagues above of what I was seeing but even then the power they showcased now was still something mankind could not hope to match up with.
They continued their brawl and the damage to my lab was increasing I was tempted to run there and stop the fight before they destroyed my lab when phytdn came out from another corner with an energy core we were working on.
"well this was fun." phytdn spoke drawing Elicrons attention the confusion clear on his face "how...?"
"after all this years you still haven't learnt"
the phytdn fighting Elicron turn to dust.
"well I have to go, you know bad things and all and vanished."
Elicron stood there like an idiot realising he had just been played.