What is up with New York and Invasions

in Lux at L.A city of angels

"where is he?! come out I know your here Lucifer! we need to talk! Lucifer!"

"enough already Constantine." Constantine turned to the source of the voice to see someone he wasn't expecting " Maze? I thought you left. "

" I did... now I'm back " she spoke as she poured a drink for herself " want some? "

" yeah " Constantine replied as he took a seat by her a gulped down a glass of God-knows-what "urgh that hits the spot. you got a lighter." Constantine asked as he pulled a cig from his trench coat " do I look I'd have a lighter? " Maze asked, staring at her with a questioning look " well.. yeah. " sighing she responded " no ".

After a few minutes of silence Constantine spoke up once more " so where is your boss." "probably out with his pet human he calls a girlfriend."

" girlfriend? when did the devil get a girlfriend!"

" yeah she is a detective. "

"the devil has a human girlfriend never thought I'll see the day"

"yes as interesting as this conversation is getting I'm sure that's not the reason you are here John." Maze said putting her glass down and staring at Constantine who in turn finished his glass before speaking "of course not you see I was having a mighty fun time with your pals bleezebub and Asmodeus when I was told your boss ordered my release to fight something else... and Im smart enough to know that based on our past... relationships that this does not end well for me so now spill." Maze just smirked at him gaining a mischievous look in her eyes" you have that look in your eye which prove I'm right, what the bloody hell is going on?"

" calm down John none of the perverted thoughts in your mind are real. He called you here believe it or not to save the world. "

" yeah right, this coming from the guy who has been trying to cause the end since what... the beginning of time, what a load of bull."

" first of all he hasn't been trying it has always been the demons who have thoughts of conquering the world and bringing about the end of days he just doesn't stop them since he knows it would upset the big guy upstairs. "

"okay say I believe you, what the hell am I going up against."

" a god" *pfffft* Constantine did a spit take of the God-knows-what he was drinking " don't tell me it's who I think it is. " a certain annoying freeloading god popped up in his head " no its not your new friend." *phew * Constantine let out sigh of relief as he couldn't begin to think of how he could take down Eli " it's his brother. "

" ofcourse it is. " Maze just ignored the guy who looked like someone killed his puppy.

" he is planning an invasion with an army the likes never seen before when that happens it would be the end of human life as you know it."

" hold on you said end of human life so I'm sure you demons will be okay with that so why is Lucifer getting all protective for? "

"his girlfriend's human " those three words answered all of Constantines unanswered questions. " The invasion will happen in New York "

" and when is this invasion happening? "

"in a few days a week at most."