prologue to battle

A.R.G.U.S base at New York

The team had finally been formed and now they gathered to discuss how to deal with the upcoming threat.

both batman and Elicron stood infront of the team "... based on what we discovered Phytdn is going to be leading an army to invade the earth and by our calculations ground zero should be New York." batman spoke as holograms behind him showed pictures of New York.

"What do we estimate the enemies power to be" Oliver asked from his seat. " They are beings which used to conquer galaxies I can tell you the scale of the invasion is something you can't begin to imagine. " Elicron spoke with a serious tone and the atmosphere got even heavier " we need to evacuate the citizens if New York is ground zero for the invasion the casualties would be unimaginable " Wonder woman spoke up as a war veteran she knew the effects of war.

"we already have men getting the citizens out as quickly as we can." Lyla spoke up she was also worried about what was happening to the country the president had called to ask what was happening and she couldn't give a good answer " Shouldn't we find the bad guy after all if we stop him the we can prevent the army from invading right?" Shazam questioned " we have used everything including my own satellite but there have been no sign or energy fluctuations so we have no clue where he is the only fluctuation we observed was in New York which is why we know the invasion would occur in New York." Batman replied.

"wait you have your own satellite?!" Shazam questioned, shocked but after receiving glares from everyone present in the room "not important." Eli spoke up " I'm sure he is cloaking his device with a stealth magic array."

" then can't you stop it after all you are a god as well " Aquaman asked Eli, Eli had a sheepish smile as he spoke "I'm not good at magic." everyone gave him a are-you-serious look. " our plan is to head to New York and close the gate " batman spoke up saving Eli from the looks " one small problem we don't know where the gate is. " Oliver spoke up.

"we have...." *Boom* before batman could finish an explosion resounded in the building sending everyone flying " interesting plan, unfortunately for you your a tad bit late. " Phytdn appeared before them at the same time atop of the world trade centre a portal appeared above the sky the people below who were evacuating looked up and what they saw was a scene they would never forget huge alien ships flew out of the portal at the same time a man below in a brown trench coat looked up to see something that he wouldn't forget anytime soon. A full armada of alien ships were appearing above the city and they did not come in peace.


Back in A.R.G.U.S Phytdn was gloating in his success " Are you watching brother. ha ha ha ha ha ha" Eli got up and charged into him sending him into the sky.

The battle for New York had finally began.