Dr. Fate

It's been a few months since the battle of New York and the rebuilding of the city was going smoothly, what shocked me though was the fact the media claimed it was an earthquake like what the hell. There were aliens everywhere yet they spoke of earthquakes I was really curious as to how the government shut everybody up.

Anyway after the whole New York fiasco, I had come to the conclusion I needed to learn magic. After which god doesn't know magic well apart from the oaf of a norse god who relied solely on his lighting and hammer. The first candidate was of course John Constantine who was quickly omitted for obvious reasons, after going through the list of magicians in DC I finally settled on a certain mystical helmet.

I had spent two whole months searching for the bloody thing but Nada. I finally had a clue a certain archaeologist had rumours of the thing in Egypt so here I am in Egypt in a tomb looking for some mystical helmet. A whole day of searching had amounted to nothing and I was about to give up when I found a hidden door. The door had certain symbols engraved on it but the one that drew my attention was the Ankh in the middle.

Pushing the door with a bit of strength it opened to reveal a hidden room, the was a tomb place smak dab in the center and above it was the helmet I was looking for. I grabbed the helmet and cleared the dust and cobwebs of it when I realised the pressing issue how do I activate this.

I was lost in thought when my mind was drawn into a certain place. I looked around confused as to where I was when a voice spoke up " I never thought a god would one day look for me." I turned to the source of the voice coming face to face with the man himself Dr. fate " I have come to make a deal with you. " this seemed to intrigue him as he tilted his head waiting for me to go on.

" I have come to learn magic-" " I would have to stop you there Elicron, I might follow your course in preserving order but I must refuse your request." Fate spoke interrupting me. I paused and spoke again " as I said earlier this is a deal." " what is it you offer? " I smirked as he was considering it " you might be a master in magic but at the end of the day you are but a lord of order and I a god. if you teach me magic I give you my word I will restore you to your former glory, you will no longer need a host."

Hearing my offer Fate kept quiet considering my offer, no one wanted to be crammed in a helmet to live and I was offering him the chance to walk amongst the living once more with his own body.

After a short while Fate spoke up, "I agree to your request" with his words I was back in the tomb. The helmet was in my hands shining as though brand new, I was about to ask 'what now?' when I heard faith's voice in my ear "we will learn my magic but this place is not suitable I know a place" saying so he placed a location in my mind and I teleported to a park which was empty.

"hmm kinda of a let down, I was expecting something more.....magical" hearing my words Fate actually chuckled and spoke " wait for it." and just as I was about to ask what I was waiting for the place before me began to shimmer and a tower came into existence.

" your training begins. "