Training arc

I have been training with Fate and I have to say.... he is one sadistic bastard. His preferred method of teaching spells blasting you with it yes you heard me right like who does that.

Putting aside his teaching methods, Dr Fate really is a master of magic. In a year I had learnt what would take any other magicians years to master and I was also starting to see why people loved magic.

Anyway soon the torture, which Fate refers as training came to an end and it was time to keep my end of the deal. I placed the helmet before me , the room was filled with countless inscriptions which took a whole month to write even with all my powers. I focused on the helmet summoning all the power from inside me and outside and focused it on the helmet my eyes began to glow and my haki flared, I began to chant the spell in language that randomly popped in my head"%¥£%€%£ |$%///##;;,:3 " the chanting went on for hours and I could feel the immense magic.

Fates helmet began to rise and a scene I don't think I'll ever forget happened the magic began to construct his body and in a few minutes there he was in the flesh no longer requiring a host. " I'm free!" Fate shouted unleashing his magic, I decided not to interrupt because he deserved the right to let loose.

" I am grateful for the favour you have granted me and I shall forever answer your call if you ever require my power. " he nodded at me and I nodded back after exchanging some more pleasantries I went out of the tower on to see it vanish once more. I smiled flying of thinking to myself what next of course I had trained in magic but my power was not enough I needed more as I stood in the air feeling the heat from the sun an idea popped in my head and looking at the sun I smirked and flew up.

I teleported before the sun and took a dip and I can tell you it was the most comfortable thing ever, every single one of my cells felt absolutely comfortable and the power within them was increasing at rates I never thought possible and soon I had fallen asleep.


I woke up feeling even more comfortable, I had no idea how long I had slept for but I felt it was enough. In a minute I was back on earth, I was in New York and there was no sign of an alien invasion or as the news says ' earthquake ' I used a spell disguising myself because I'm hundred percent sure walking around in ancient armor is just asking for attention. I soon arrived at a newspaper stand and finally new how long I had slept for..... two years I had been asleep for two years the arrowverse had officially started.

I first thought to check on Oliver but I thought to myself I had spent enough time on this earth and it was time to explore the multiverse. First I moved out of the city and began to use another one of the gifts I obtained, thinking of which earth to go to I finally made a decision what's life without a little adventure and randomised the location, as the light began to consume me the only thought I had was where was I heading.

When the light came to an end I was in the sky above a city so iconic I could never forget it, it was home to a physco genius obsessed with aliens and the man of steel looking at the tall building with the sign that read the daily planet I knew, I was in Metropolis.