Game Update


Game of Life updated to v1.1]

"Huh?" I stop by my door entrance. "The game updated? What's new?"

[New Update: Dating Sims

The Gamer will now be able to see his/her relationships with others from the Menu as well as participate in events that can influence those relationships.]


So I'm apparently playing a dating sim now along with whatever this Game was before. I wonder what the relationship screen looks like.







Lucky Draw


I click 'Relationships' as I walk out and make my way toward the academy.


Hinata: 40

Hiashi: -10

Hyuga Clansman: -5

Ayame: 10]

'What do those numbers even mean?'

[0 means stranger, 1 to 10 are acquaintance, 11 to 20 mean they like you, 21 to 50 mean friends, 51 to 70 are good friends for guys or have a crush on you for girls, 71 to 99 means best friends for guys or love for girls, and 100 means they are brothers in all but blood for guys or they consider you soulmate and will only love you for girls.

-1 to -10 means they are wary, -11 to -20 means dislike, -21 to -50 means hate, -51 to -70 means enemies, -71 to -99 means they want to kill you, and -100 means they won't rest until you or they are dead.]

So Hiashi and that one Hyuga clansman are wary of me. I guess anyone will be wary if they see or hear that their daughter/heir is talking to a stranger. As for Hinata… she already considers me a friend after just meeting once?... On second thought, it's not that weird. She fell for Naruto after just meeting him once.

I wonder if anything else changed.


[Name: Sen Hiroki

Age: 11

Level: 1/50

Rank: F-

HP: 100%

CP: 100%

Kekkei Genkai: Chakra Construct

Vitality: F-

Strength: F-

Agility: F-

Chakra: F+

Chakra Control: F-]

Nothing there. 'Skills'

Skills: Gamer's Mind Lvl-Max, Gamer's Body Lvl-Max, Perfect Stealth Lvl-Max, Observe Lvl-Max, Substitution Lvl-1, Transformation Lvl-1, Clone Lvl-1, Meditation Lvl-1]

'So skills have levels now. I get why the Gamer skills and Perfect Stealth are maxed levels but why is Observe max as well and when did I get a Meditation skill?'

[Observe only have one level. Meditation was created last night before you went to sleep.]

'Is that so… well, the important part of Observe is to see how strong people are and keep track of their health so I guess it doesn't matter if it have a level or not. Also meditation as a skill will help me keep track of my progress. Hm… I wonder if.' I click on Meditation.


Lvl 1 - (Passive) Help to stay focus. (Active) Recover chakra faster

Lvl 2 - (Passive) Awareness of surrounding

Lvl 3 - (Active) Sense natural chakra

Lvl 4 - ???]

'I didn't know meditation help recover chakra. Also, why doesn't level 4 have any descriptions?'

[Meditation is a unique skill created by the User. The skill doesn't have a fourth level because it's not complete, the User will need to complete the skill for more level to appear.]

'But I thought I saw a meditation skill in the skill shop.'

[The shop's skill is Meditate and it only helps to recover chakra.]

'So, it's a completely new skill?'


'Does that mean if I create the start of a skill that already exists in the shop, I'll get the skill in the shop'

[Yes and No. If a skill is created that is the same or similar to a skill in the shop, then it'll get fused with one from the shop to create a complete skill.]

'What about the effect then, does it still keep level 1's effect once it reaches level 2?'

[All previous effect of the skill is kept unless it is stated to be lost or changed.]

'Neat. Now then.' I click on Substitution, Transformation, and Clone.


Lvl 1 - Switch places with an object in similar size and weight of the user

Lvl 2 - Switch places with an object with two times less or twice the weight of the user

Lvl 3 - Switch places with an object twice as small or big as the user

Lvl 4 - Switch places with an object using only one hand seal

Lvl 5 - Switch places with an object using no hand seal


Lvl 1 - Transform into a basic form of someone or something.

Lvl 2 - Transformation have more detail

Lvl 3 - Transformation physical appearance is indistinguishable from the source

Lvl 4 - Transformation becomes tangible. Reduce hand seal to one

Lvl 5 - No hand seal needed


Lvl 1 - Create an imperfect clone

Lvl 2 - Create a perfect clone indistinguishable from the real self

Lvl 3 - Create up to 5 clones at a time

Lvl 4 - Create up to 10 clones at the same time. Reduce hand seal to one

Lvl 5 - Create as many clones as chakra reserve can handle. No hand seal needed

All three skills look really useful especially substitution. I'm definitely going to try and level up Substitution and Transformation to max and Clone to at least level 4… I wonder if anything else is changed.

By the time I finish checking everything, I already reach the Academy. Nothing else is changed besides the skills and the addition of the Relationship tab. As for where the academy is, it's literally the building right under the Hokage office. I wonder who ideas it was to put the Academy right under the Hokage office… probably the Second Hokage since he came up with the idea for a ninja academy.

Now that I found the academy, I don't know where to go since I don't know where any of the classes are. As I was looking around wondering if I should ask someone, I found a boy with black hair and a giant bushy looking eyebrow.


[Name: Rock Lee

Rank: F

Age: 11

Kekkei Genkai: none

Vitality: D-

Strength: F+

Agility: D-

Chakra: F-

Chakra Control: F-

A boy who can't use Ninjutsu or Genjutsu and inspire to be a ninja with only Taijutsu]

After a quick observe I found out that he is Rock Lee. Since I already know from the game that I'm in the same class as Lee and Neji, I just follow Lee to class.

Nothing interesting happened in class, we did some introduction, or a reintroduction for the rest of the class and our teacher go over what we are going to learn this year. It can be sum down to taijutsu, chakra theory, chakra control, academy 3, and getting ready for the graduation exam.

I also saw the three members of Team Guy… or 2 since I plan to take Neji's place as top shinobi. Neji is an antisocial kid that likes to talk way too much about fate. Lee is the weird hyperactive boy but unlike what he became after he meets Guy, is hyperactive attitude seems fake like he wants to cover up for something else. He is also not as weird as he is after he meets Guy.

As for Tenten, well I guess the best way to describe her is a fangirl and weapon fanatic. She doesn't fangirl over boys like other girls but instead, she does it over Tsunade as for the weapon fanatic part… at least she's not as bad as Ruby is all I can say for her.

I'll try to get along with Lee and Tenten at school and maybe get Lee a better haircut before he gets influenced by Guy. As for Neji, he's a lost cause until Naruto beat some sense into him… on second thought, will that still happen? I mean I'll replace him on Team Guy so he might not even reach the final or be in the Chunin Exam at all.

[Ding! World Quest Triggered

World Quest: Changing Fate?

Help Neji out of his depression and fatalistic belief of fate

Reward: Friends with Neji, Gentle Fist, 1,000 GP

Failure: Neji stay as a Fatalism]

There goes the idea of leaving Neji alone. Oh well, if I can't change Neji, I can always get Naruto to punch him in the face again and use his Talk-no-Jutsu on him. If I can't get Naruto to do it, I can always get Lee to do it. If Lee beat… no, when Lee beat him, it'll shake his belief. All I have to do after that is convince him that fate can be changed before he makes up some convoluted excuse in his head on why he lost… I just got a better idea.

Instead of relying on Naruto or Lee, when I get close enough to Hinata, I can help her get stronger and have her beat Neji instead. Since Neji already got the idea that Hinata is fated to be weak into his head, Hinata beating him will probably shatter his belief. I'm definitely going to try and go for plan Hinata first if I can't change him by myself.