The Start of a Harem

During lunch break, I decided to explore the academy. After exploring the inside for a while, I got bored. This academy just looks like a regular school but is mostly made out of wood instead. Since there is nothing interesting inside, I went to explore the outside.

As soon as I step out the door, I see a certain blond knucklehead sitting by himself under a tree. I was going to talk to him and see if I can help him a little but something else caught my interest. Out of the corner of my eye, I see Neji walking away from Hinata. She looks like she's about to cry but she bottled up her feelings instead.

'Talking to Naruto can wait. Hinata might need some help right now.' I turn and walk toward her.

[Ding! World Quest Triggered

World Quest: The Start of a Harem

Get Hinata's relationship score over 70 and make her your girlfriend

Reward: Hinata become your girlfriend, The end of Boruto, Twin Lion Fist, 20,000 GP

Failure: Hinata fall hopelessly in love with Naruto]

'Another Event Quest? I thought they are going to be rare…'

[Ding! Quest Update

Quest: Fate Can be Changed

Beat Neji as the top shinobi of the year

Reward: Hinata will be more inclined to believe you, Hinata +10 relationship points

Failure: Neji mock you, Hinata lose faith in you, Hinata -10 relationship points]

'And another one appears… wait, this is the first quest I got. I see, so the reward and penalty changed a bit due to the Game updating. Whatever I can deal with it later.'

I walked up and stand next to Hinata but she still didn't notice.

"So, what are you doing here all by yourself?"

"Waaa…" Hinata jumps in surprise, "Ah, Hiro-kun. When did you get here?"

"Just now, so why is a cute girl like you all alone?" I tease her. Maybe it'll help her forget whatever it was that Neji said.

She blushed a little before it disappears and she looks sad again. She probably remembers what Neji said. "Nothing, I just wanted to stay in a quiet spot for a while." She replies with a fake smile.

"You don't mind if I stay with you do you?" Hinata looked a little surprised at my question, I wonder why?

"What about your friends?"

"I don't have any friends here."

"Ah! Sorry," she said sounding a little concern.

"Don't be, I don't have any friends because I didn't bother to try and make some. I was too busy training before. Besides, you're my friend aren't you?"

She blushed, "If you don't mind."

"Of course I don't mind being friends with such a cute girl," I said with a smile making Hinata blushed harder.

[Hinata relationship +5 for being her friend]

'Huh? So just talking can increase the relationship score?' I swipe the screen away. I continue making small talks with Hinata for the rest of lunch break. We didn't talk about anything important, only things like what we like, our interest, and me teasing her. When it was time to leave, I said goodbye to her and told her I enjoyed talking with her earning me another 2 relationship points for being there when she feels down.

I didn't pay attention in class, instead, I go over the latest quest I got.

[World Quest: The Start of a Harem

Get Hinata's relationship point over 70 and make her your girlfriend

Reward: Hinata become your girlfriend, The end of Boruto, Twin Lion Fist, 20,000 GP

Failure: Hinata fall hopelessly in love with Naruto]

The things that caught my interest immediately are The Start of a Harem and the end of Boruto. I never like Boruto, the show not the kid, so it doesn't bother me if Boruto exists or not. I don't know enough about the kid to know if I like him or not because I stop watching Boruto. It was were so boring that I give up on it halfway through the first arc.

'Game, why is the title like that? I mean I want to have a harem but even I know it won't be as easy as anime makes it out to be.'

[Quests and titles of Quests are based on your personality, wants, and the possible outcome of the quest.]

'What about the harem part? Wouldn't every… most girls reject the idea of a harem?'

[No. As long as their relationship points reach 90, they won't reject the idea of you having a harem.]

'Sweet!... wait, what about the parents?'

[As long as their relationship point is 20 or above they won't interfere. If it falls below -10 then they'll try to stop your relationship, if it's below -20 then they will do whatever they can to end your relationship.]

'Err… I guess I should try to prevent Hinata's father points from falling any lower than.' I thought nervously as I remember Haishi's point is already at -10. It wouldn't be weird for Haishi point to drop even more if he finds out I'm trying to get closer to his little girl.

I look over the quest again. 'Why are the GP reward for Hinata's quest so high compared to Neji? Not that I think it'll be easy to make Hinata my girlfriend but I feel like Neji's quest will be harder.'

[The reward is higher due to the effect that it will have on the world. If you succeed, the next generation of this world will be different from how it was in Boruto.]

'That… make sense.' I spend the rest of the class asking the Game various things. I found out from those questions that the Game will answer any questions that have to do with the Game mechanics or is common knowledge but anything else like how to create new Jutsu or what's the color of someone's underwear won't be answered.

After school, as I was going to leave the academy. I see Hinata leading with the Hyuga clansman I saw yesterday. I use Observe on him.

[Name: Hyuga Ko

Level: B+


Kekkei Genkai: Byakugan

Vitality: B-

Strength: B

Agility: B+

Chakra: C+

Chakra Control: A-

Hinata's guard whenever she goes outside of the Hyuga's compound. Is concern about Hinata's happiness.]

Ah, I think I remember him. He's one of the few people in the Hyuga house that care about Hinata and actually tries to help her when possible. I didn't think he was a Jounin and a high-level Jounin at that. Though it does make sense, Haishi won't let an incompetent ninja guard his daughter after the kidnapping incident.

When I was checking his info, Hinata saw me and wave at me before getting embarrassed because Ko is looking at her and she stopped. I just smile at her and wave back. I can see them talking to each other so I went on my way home.

[Ko relationship +10 for being Hinata's friend]

I wasn't expecting that. I guess Ko ask Hinata about me since she was waving at me.