Scroll of Seals

The next morning, I did something I forgot to do last night because I was too focused on my new sensory power. Which is…

'Game, buy Eidetic Memory skill'

[Skill: Eidetic Memory bought

-1,000 GP]

[Eidetic Memory Lvl Max - Recall anything with full clarity.]

YES! With this, I can finally do something that I always wanted to do since I got here. I'm going to steal the Scroll of Seals.

Now that I have Eidetic Memory, I can just sneak in, read the scroll quickly and get out. I wanted to do it before but if the scroll just disappears, a lot of things can go wrong not just for me but for the whole Village. In fact, Danzo might even use it as an excuse to give himself more political power.

Even Naruto, someone who wears bright orange that should have been easy to spot, was able to steal the Scroll. I doubt anyone will be able to catch me if I use Perfect Stealth. Still, I won't have a lot of time to read the scroll so I've picked out a few Jutsu that I'm interested in. Hopefully it'll be on the scroll.

The day went on without anything happening. It wasn't until lunch that I started my plan. The scroll should be in the Hokage living area which is next and connected to the Hokage office. Since the academy is under the Hokage office, it was quite easy for me to sneak into the Hokage living area. It was made easier with the help of Perfect Stealth and Mind's Eye of the Kagura.

No one is guarding the area since the Hokage isn't in there and anyone that wants to sneak in will have to pass the academy grounds which have trained ninja as teachers. With the added fact that it's the home of the Hokage, the most powerful ninja in the village, the ANBU, and other ninjas probably thought no one would be stupid enough to sneak into it.

I found the Scroll of Seals together with a bunch of other scrolls I don't know or care about. I made sure to remember how everything is before I start moving things around. With how paranoid ninjas are, I'm sure Sarutobi will notice anything that is out of place.

After getting the Scroll of Seals, I quickly roll through the sections I want. First is Multi-Shadow Clones. I might not be able to use it anytime soon but just knowing it will be nice. Next is Shuriken Shadow Clone, Flying Thunder God, Eight Gates, Strength of 100 Seal which I didn't think was going to be in there, and finally Impure World Reincarnation.

I didn't want to press my luck so after getting everything I want so I put everything back where they originally were and left the place. My heart rate that was beating fast the whole time finally calm down as I got back into the academy section of the building and into the bathroom.

I release a breath I didn't know I was holding and sigh before taking out a notebook and start writing everything down. It's the same notebook I use to keep everything I know about the Narutoverse. After I finish writing down everything, I throw back into my inventory and meditate to relax.

After spending the second half of the school day talking to Tenten and helping Lee, it was finally time to train Naruto. I'm not going to be able to teach him much since everything I know can get me into trouble or are things from the Game I can't teach to others at all. I can teach him chakra control but I as much as I want him to get stronger faster, he needs to fail his exam.

It's the best way I can think of for him to learn about Karuma, beside getting Hiruzen to him, and it's also the place where he finds his 'ninja's way.' So for now, I'll just train his strength as I told him before.

"Alright Naruto, let's get ready for the warm-ups but first, do you know how to count?" If I'm going to take time out of my own training to help him, I might as well see if I can have some fun.

"What do you mean do I know how to count?!" Naruto said sounding incensed.

"You never paid attention in class so I thought you might not know how to count yet," I said with a straight face.

"Of course I know how to count! I'm going to become the Hokage, what kind of Hokage doesn't know how to count?!" he yelled at me.

"Are you sure?" I ask trying to sound worried, "If you don't know how, I can help you before we start training. You will need to know how to count for training to be effective."

"Argh! I…" Naruto didn't get to continue as he got interrupted

"Pfft, hahaha… " I couldn't hold it anymore so I let out a laugh.

Naruto stared at me in confusion for a second before he realized it. "You tricked me." He said pouting.

"Hahaha, sorry I couldn't help it." I rub his head, "if you don't want me to make fun of you like that, you should study more."

"Hmph," he turned his head trying to ignore me.

"Don't be like that, Naruto. You want to train don't you."

That got his attention again. "Of course, and when I get strong enough I'm going to beat you." he declared.

"Looking forward to it but for now, you'll need some strength training. From now on, I want you to do 100 pushups, 100 sit-ups, and a 10 kilometer every day until you get better at it." I said with a serious face.

"Alright! If it's just for warmups, I bet it's going to be easy." He yelled before going down to do push-ups.

I stopped him "Not yet. First, we have to do some stretching and loosen our muscles a bit." Then I made him follow me in a stretching routine I remember from Earth.

"Alight, push-ups time," I told Naruto. He starts doing push-ups as I watch.

"1, 2, 3…" he starts going at it with full speed not bothering to pace himself.

"56… 57… 58…" By the time he got to 40, his arm starts to get tired and he slowed down a lot.

"59…" *thump* and he falls down.

"huff, huff, huff, This is hard," Naruto complains.

"Of course it is. Who told you to do it all at the same time for your first time. You should split it into sets. Do 10 pushups, 10 sit-ups, and a kilometer run before coming back to do more push-ups. It'll make it easier that way."

Naruto glared at me "huff, huff, why," He took a deep breath. "Phew, why didn't you tell me that before I start?"

I grin "You seem so eager to train that I didn't want to bother you."

He continued to glare at me,

I chuckled and lightly kicked his foot. "Come on. You shouldn't rest while training. That's what break time is for."

Even though he looks like he doesn't want to, he still got up anyway. I joined in his training since I need to build up my strength too.