Chakra Nature

After training with Naruto, I have to drag us home before dropping onto my bed. We were too tired to do anything else after the training, in fact, we didn't even have the energy to go to Ichiraku as I promised… well, I didn't have the energy. I'm sure Naruto still have energy but is just too physically tired. I guess I'll just have to take him there tomorrow.

Early the next morning, I woke up sore as hell, but it's nothing a few rounds of painful stretching can't solve. Once I'm not as sore anymore, I check the time and notice that the outside is still dark and I have 3 hours before school starts. After eating my breakfast and putting some on Naruto's table, I head out to do something I've been putting off for a while now.

I head to the training field from yesterday while making sure no one is around or following me using Mind's Eye of the Kagura. Raising my hand, I mentally shout 'ID Create' while focusing on creating the regular zombie ID with time dilation.

I spend 30 minutes on breakfast leaving me with only 2 hours and 30 minutes before class starts. Using time dilation will give me 4 extra hours and 30 minutes outside the ID to rest and get ready. Setting my timer to 4 hours, I ready myself and went looking for my first zombie to kill.

"Wait… Game, do I age normally in here or does my aging slow down to match with the time outside?"

[Age normally.]

'So I can't just spend time here and expect no one to notice…'

"Is there any way to slow down my aging?"

[All available ways to slow down aging is currently locked or cost more GP than you currently have.]

"Tell me what they are anyway."

[Pure Senju Bloodline will slow down natural aging once adulthood is reached as long as you don't overuse its healing factor.

Otsutsuki Bloodline gives an extended lifespan and a limited form of eternal youth.

Becoming the Ten Tail Jinchuriki or eating a chakra fruit from the God Tree will give eternal youth and limited immortality as long as the body can handle the massive increase in chakra.

Use the Jiongu similar to Kakuzu, the body appearance will stay the same as when the Jiongu is used.]

I sigh looking at all the options that'll slow down my aging. Some of it even allows me to basically live forever but they are all impossible to get in the foreseeable future. Even the Jiongu, which only cost 20,000 GP requires me to get my Vitality to B+ rank or I'll die in the process of using it, not that I ever plan on getting it.

Since there is nothing I can do about it for now, I decided to just use the time dilation function sparingly. I thought I could use it to make up for the time I spend trying to level up the ID skill but now it seems like all that time was just wasted. With another sigh, I went looking for some zombies to take my frustration on.

It didn't take long for me to run into some zombies. The problem is that they travel in groups and I haven't found one alone yet. I don't want to risk fighting a group of zombie with my weaker than average academy student strength so I've been using Perfect Stealth to go around them.

After wasting 20 minutes and still not finding any lone zombies, I give up looking for it. Instead, I went to the shop to see if there is anything I can use to up my chances of dealing with a group of zombies.

The first thing that caught my interest is the Fireball Jutsu. Since I have bigger than average chakra reserve, I could probably throw a few Fireball around before running out, but first, I bought some chakra paper for 10 GP. I want to see what my chakra nature is before buying a Jutsu.

When I put my chakra into the paper, the paper got soak before almost being split in half.

[Ding! Chakra Nature discovered

Water(Major), Wind(Minor)

Status updated]

"Water and Wind huh? Game, what is the advantage of getting a Jutsu with my chakra nature compared to without?"

[Jutsu that go along with chakra nature will level up 100%(Major) and 50%(Minor) faster]

I'm glad I didn't buy the Fireball Jutsu. "Game, buy Hidden in the Mist Jutsu and Water Style: Liquid Bullet."

[Hidden in the Mist Jutsu -100 GP

Water Release: Liquid Bullet -1000 GP]

[Hidden in the Mist Jutsu(Active)

Lvl 1 - Create a mist from a nearby water source

Lvl 2 - Chakra lingers in the mist to prevent Sensor from finding your location and use the mist to locate enemies.

Lvl 3 - Pull water vapor from the air to create a mist. Reduce hand seals to one

Lvl 4 - Create mist from chakra. No hand seal needed]

[Water Style: Liquid Bullet(Active)

Lvl 1 - Create water from the chakra in the body then shoot it out of the mouth in an orb-shaped projectile.

Lvl 2 - Reduce water creation time to 1 second

Lvl 3 - Reduce water creation time to 0.1 seconds. Reduce hand seal to one.

Lvl 4 - Able to instantly create a liquid bullet.

Lvl 5 - No hand seal requires.]

Since these are just regular zombies, Hidden in the Mist Jutsu will be useful if I ever needed to escape while Liquid Bullet is so I don't have to get close to the zombies and risk getting hurt. When I get good enough with Taijutsu, then I'll consider getting into close combat with them.

After walking around for a little more, I find a group of three zombies. Three is the least amount of zombies in a group I have seen so far so I decided to use them as my practice target.

But first, 'Observe'


Lvl: 2

HP: 100%

Vitality: F

Strength: F+

Agility: F-

Just a zombie]


Lvl: 3

HP: 100%

Vitality: F+

Strength: F+

Agility: F-

Just a zombie]


Lvl: 2

HP: 100%

Vitality: F+

Strength: F

Agility: F-

Just a zombie]

'So zombie doesn't have chakra… good for me I guess.' I thought as I went through the hand seals for Liquid Bullet. As I go through the hand seals, I can feel my chakra moving and transforming inside me as it gathers in my mouth. I took a deep breath before my hand landed on the tiger seal and split out a water ball while yelling

"Water Style: Liquid Bullet Jutsu."

How I was able to shoot water out of my mouth and yell at the same time, I don't know. But the water travel at a speed I almost couldn't see before impacting on the chest of the level 3 zombie. I quickly check its health to see that it drop by 40% before using Perfect Stealth and moving to a different place so the zombie doesn't see me.

I repeat it two more times before the level 3 zombie goes down and another 2 times to take down one of the level 2 zombies. Each Jutsu uses about 15%-17% of my chakra so I was only able to take down two before running away to hide and recover my chakra.

[Zombie Killed +10 XP]

[Zombie Killed +6 XP]

'Huh? That's a little bit late for an update.'

[Notification have to set to appear after battles. Set notification to appear during battle [Yes] [No]]

'After battles are good. Don't want to get distracted in the middle of a fight.' I click [No].

After recovering my chakra, I spend the rest of the 4 hours hunting zombies. It took a lot more XP than I thought it did to level up. Even after 4 hours, I only managed to reach level 3. Of course, most of my time is spent trying to recover chakra.

Liquid Bullet also reaches level 3 halfway through the hunting and Hidden in the Mist reach level 2 because I ran into a few big groups of zombies when trying to pick off the smaller groups. I would have like to stay longer and at least get to level 5 but the 4 hours are already up and I want to make sure Naruto gets to the academy on time.