Time Skip

Another month has passed since I started training with Naruto and hunting zombies. I managed to reach level 9 this month mostly due to not having enough time to go into an ID and the fact that leveling up seems to get exponentially harder every level. As for my status points, I still haven't used them yet since I can still easily improve my stats.

Liquid Bullet max out due to how much I was using it and Hidden in the Mist reach level 3. I also manage to max out the academy three Jutsu and Tree Walking during this time bringing my Chakra Control up to C- or low-level Chunin rank. Mind's Eye of the Kagura leveled up to level 2 form just passively using it.

Half a month into the training with Naruto, I found out I was correct in thinking that physical training plus Meditation will help me improve my chakra reserve. Even if my Meditation skills haven't leveled up yet, my chakra reserve already reaches D+ while my Vitality and Agility only went up a stage to F with the training. My Strength, on the other hand, went up two stages to F+.

I decided to not get any new ninjutsu and focus mainly on physical training for now. Naturally, I also started on my Taijutsu along with my physical training. Since I won't be able to catch up to those of my age group in terms of skills if I chose a completed Taijutsu, I decided to go with something simple. Which is, go fast and punch hard. Like I said, simple.

After practicing fighting like that for a while, I got a skill out of it.


Lvl 1 - F rank

Lvl 2 - D rank

Lvl 3 - C rank

Lvl 4 - B rank

Lvl 5 - A rank

Lvl 6 - S rank]

Apparently, the fighting style I made is so basic that it doesn't even count as a fighting style so the Game just gives me a skill that'll show me where my fighting skills are compared to regular ninjas. It capped at S rank because that is the highest level a basic skill can achieve. The only way to get better from there is to build up more strength, agility, and vitality or get a better taijutsu skill.

On the relationship side, only a few things changed. I invited Lee to train with me and Naruto causing his points to reach 73 but after a few rounds of training, Lee left to train on his own because the way he trained is too extreme for the current me and Naruto.

Shikamaru points went up to 28 and Choji's is at 21. I wanted to see how good Shikamaru really is at shogi so I challenged him to a match. I played it a bit back on Earth and I was quite good at it but to no one's surprise, I lost to Shikamaru.

Both Choji and Shikamaru's points increased because they were surprised and impressed that I lasted so long against Shikamaru. Apparently, most kids in the academy lose to him after only a few moves. The day after I played against him, I got a notification that Shikamaru's dad, Shikaku's relationship points increase by 10. Shikamaru must have talked to his dad about our game.

Ayame relationship points reach 50 and like Hinata, it hasn't increased since. The reason is that she is older than me so, for now, she only sees me as a little brother and not a love interest. If I want it to improve, I have to do something special. Teuchi's points reach 20 from me going to his store so much.

Lastly, there is Tenten. She seems to have developed a crush on me. Her relationship points went up by another 10 when it reaches 50 because I'm one of the few people that believe her when she said she'll become a powerful kunoichi and I'm also the only one that'll listen to her when she starts talking about weapons. Her current relationship point is sitting at 60.

I still don't know if the village have the CRA, but I haven't given up on my goal of having a Harem yet and I have already decided to have Hinata, Tenten, and Ayame be a part of it. I don't know if I'll add anyone else to the list since I haven't met them yet but I'm definitely going to try my best to get the three girls I already know.


As I train with Naruto, I noticed a familiar chakra at the edge of my senses watching us. I stop making Naruto stop too.

"What is it Nii-san?" Naruto asks.

"Nothing you should worry about. Why don't you continue, I'll be right back." I said carefreely

Naruto shrugged, "If you say so." before continuing to punch a pole. Since Naruto is a simpleton, I have also been teaching him my Taijutsu. It's not that hard, the Taijutsu is basically finding flaws in the way you move while fighting and fixing them so you can strike faster and stronger. Naruto also happens to be a genius at anything that is simple.

While he's training I, on the other hand, is sneaking up behind the person watching us. With her attention focus on Naruto, she didn't notice me even when I'm right behind her.

"Boo" I said right next to her ear.

"Eep!" Hinata jumps forward almost falling like the first time I met her.

I grab her shirt like before too. "I thought I told you to be aware of your surroundings."

She turns around and pouted already knowing that it's me. "And I thought I told you not to do scare me like that anymore." I talked with her enough over my two months here that she is used to having me around.

"I can't help it, your reaction is too cute." I tease her making her blush. Even if she is used to having me around, she's still not used to compliments.

"So, what are you doing here?" I ask

Her face turned even redder as she stumbles to answer. "W-well, I-I…" She unconsciously turns toward Naruto before quickly turning away.

"I see, that what you're here for." I nodded sagely.

"W-What?" she asks afraid that she been caught, which she did.

"You wanted to train with us," I say it like it's the most obvious answer. I know she likes Naruto right now and that they'll end up together in the future but I still don't want to give up trying to make her mine. That is if Naruto never notices her feelings.

"What?" she said this time confused instead.

"You mean you didn't come here because you wanted to train with us?" I ask trying to sound confused.

Hinata finally caught on and thought that I misunderstand "A-ah, yes. I wanted to train with you two. I-I want to become strong too." She said while trying to hide her embarrassment.

I sense Ko nearby but he's only watching so I continue on. Aside from Ko, there is also another faint chakra signature that is sometime around when I'm near Naruto. I assume it either belongs to Kakashi or an ANBU that monitors Naruto. The signature never came close enough for me to distinguish it much more than it belonging to a Ninja.

"Great! Come on then." I grab her hand and dragged her along to train with us. If I can use this chance to give her a confidence boost then it'll be even better.