As he going to fill up the next blank, all the sudden another purple box appeared in front him.
OBJECTIVE- save yourself. As in 5 minutes Ryder Phenex will come where you are to see you are dead or not.
REWARD- 100 sp,1 random gacha ticket and you get to live bitch, what else do you want?
Seeing Ryder coming Razor's heart started pumping in fear after all he was very proud of Ryker and if he sees that his so-called prodigy son killed by the trash of Phenex family he will definitely kill Razor and on top of that he used one of the most forbidden ritual to steal Ryker's talent, if this goes out he will be publicly executed. There is no way out and what's with system's dark humour while I am busy trying not to die.
In a instant Razor staring to collect his borther's belongings which is his left over dress, some money,his whole peerage set which didn't even used and most importantly 3 bottles of phenex tears which can become a life saver. Razor then remembered in novels he read in his past life in system there will be an inventory in every system. So he called out "system is there an inventory in the system?"
System:"Yes, there is but host it can contain only 10 items anymore will be expelled and 3 of them is already occupied."
Hearing this He felled like his old painful life may not be completely as useless as he thought he would be as he put Ryker's items in the inventory. Then he remembered the clock is ticking after all he have to run. But most important of all of this how to remove the burning scar left on the floor where the ritual was concluded. It is a very big problem. As they say magic tend to leave marks it is even more glaring when it comes to ritual magic. Razor started thinking what to do as he looking at the systems stopwatch time is ticking 2:46,2:45.... .All the sudden a plan clicked his mind a reckless but effective, same time little bit of evil but if it works he can live to see next morning's sun.
So he without wasting a single second starting to work on his plan. But as he started to work on this his mind's moral part is warning him again and again "are you sure you want to do this? Think again very carefully, Razor if you do this you will never able to go back to your previous way of life or neither able to atone yourself of your sin."Now it is screaming like a angry righteous priest" This evil decision may destroy several innocent young life ,I understand that you may not care about your innocence but do you really not care about those peoples lives, can you live with the fact that you destroyed those innocent lives just to save yours life a coward?"Which paused him a little bit and started to make him question about his decision and starting to force him to think about the outcome of it.
Same time his other part of the mind which is broken and shattered because of his pain and suffering starting to roar like a mad lion "So what if you never able atone yourself from your sin? And who cares about others lives when yours is in stake ?What is your naivety and innocence ever gave you, huh, except pain and suffering. you know what? forget about all the crap about sin or other shit and answer one simple question of mine, would ya? Do you really want to die because of others,who don't give a rat's ass about you, again?" Razor instantly screamed in franatic way"no,no fucking way I'm going back to suffer because of others again".
"then forget about being a goody two shoes shit and stop caring about what happened to others. They didn't care what happened to you when you were suffering in that experimental lab and neither they will care if you die by that Riding penis bastard.From now on only three thing matters ,First is Razor ,second is Razor and third is Also mother fucking Razor. In this world nothing and no one should be more important to you than yourself. Learn to love yourself man. And as for innocence you are a fucking devil man, You are supposed to be a being of sin and depravity."
"That's right, fuck others and who care about going back to my old life it was filled with nothing but suffering. Now I just got one and only chance to live and I had to be a brain dead guy to not take this opportunity to live and make my dreams come true. And it can't reach to fruitation until I sacrifice others life,goal and dreams for my own,after all Life is all about balance. You can't get anything without giving something in return." While saying that to himself Razor started bombarding his room with fire ball with renewed vigor and determinstion which never been seen in his eyes before and now that the fire starting to spread all across the orphanage.
Every one in the orphanage woke up from the screams of few getting burned to death while they are still alive and heat of fire. They are trying to put off the fire by throwing water in it which they got from nearest public pool. soon many nearby people coming to help to put off the fire .Sometime later municipality fire trucks also came to put off the fire. Seeing this as an opportunity to escape Razor first time in his life used teleport by himself not knowing where it will take him as everything went dark for him. But little did he knew this choice made a final straw on his pure innocent white soul as it started to darken. If he chose to follow the first voice he would have become a being as pure as seraphim Gabriel if he lived after making that choice that is. But as he chose the second path it closed all the path for him to ever gaining back that innocent soul. From now on his soul will walking on a path that will to be mark him as one of the vilest souls ever existed which not even hell will take. This particular title associated with only one being till this day. And from time to time he proved that there is a reason angels gave that title to him.
3 seconds after Razor left Ryder came to the spot Razor was standing seconds ago and saw what is happening and he instantly thought it as his son Ryker's deed. As started to look around he saw the burning marks on the room.Seeing the burning marks on Razor's room he instantly thought 'Now that's how a true phenex should be. Trampling on weaklings like Ryu. My real son finally killed that damn stain of Phenex family.' Same time he ignored that nagging feeling which has been bugging him since the first time he saw one of the particular burning scar on the rooms floor then again he just valued his phenex pride which known to be bane of all male phenexes over his centuries honed instinct ' I mean after all what that weakling who can't even produce a fireball can do against a high class devil. Although this may cause problem for me in council but it's not anything I can't handle'. Then he flew away with a cherry mood to his home.
But little did he knew his arrogance will cost him everything one day. After all, even an ant can kill an elephant if given chance .