Evening: 8'o clock:
Somewhere in an empty park which is decorated with old children's playable tools such as a seesaw, old slide which is graying from not being taken cared properly and few children's swings which are also in similar state.
But the interesting fact about this park is that unlike other nights when this park becomes empty by this time of evening, today there is a visitor or more appropriately an uninvited guest, a little boy who is laying in the middle of the park unconscious. But the terrifying fact is his body looks like it has through a meat grinder as his body trying to heal these wounds but something is slowing down the healing speed, almost like it wants to permanently stop the regeneration.
This slow healing process went on.
3 hours later:
Now I would have said that boy's body completely healed up if not for that black liquid flowing out of that poor boy's nose which oddly looks like black colored blood. Suddenly that boy's eyes started fluttering as he is taking deep breaths. Looks like he is regaining consciousness.
As he opened his eyes and took a deep breath to calm his nervous nerves then tried to look around to see if his father is still following him or not.Seeing no one present he sighed in relief "Looks like I escaped" same time finding himself in an unfamiliar place it raises an suspicion on his heart about his own whereabouts "but where am I?"As he kept surveying the area for sometime and seeing no one present or coming this way he finally calmed down and sighed to himself "It looks like some kind of park-cough,cough" As soon he started speaking not just from his nose ,his mouth and eyes starting to bleed black blood. Now it looks like all of his orifices starting to leak some kind of demonic black blood.
"W-What the hell is going on? Did I mess up the ritual? System?" seeing all this black blood coming out of his body he started panicking.
Ever present loyal system answered "negative host, the ritual was fine. It seems you are suffering from light poisoning-wait,wait WHAT THE FU*K IS THIS?"system's horrified scream ran through his mind.
Now Razor himself is very much scared to ask what is going on?I mean if something can make system scared that means shit hit the fan.
After few seconds system replied in grave tone "Host forgive me for being the bearer of the bad news but truth is it not only you are just suffering from light poisoning also your body is constantly making a highly corrosive type of poison which is destroying your body and soul.And neither of them can be healed with phenex tears"
Hearing this that little boy started screaming in panic and rage "Are you messing with me, huh system? -Cough, forget being attacked by angels or anything poisonous,I haven't even touched any item which carries light or poison element till this day. How can I get light poisoning and on top of that this horrifying poison?"
Although it may show that boy really is just a immature little boy who starts to panic at the face of slightest problem not a person who just slaughtered his brother cold blooded but the gravity of the situation is much deeper. As many don't know that every year thousands of devil dies from light poisoning without any cure . So this kind of expression is natural. After all this is one of the most painful way for a devil to die. Slowly and slowly all of bodies bone marrow becomes black liquid and started to leak from their orifices. As there is no more bone marrow in the body so no more new blood is reproduced and the victim dies from all of their organ fail to work.On top of that the boy doesn't have any kind of potion on hand and system just said phenex tear doesn't work on light poisoned wound.
"No host I checked the case again. You are suffering from both of said poisoning. Even worse something inside your body constantly producing light magic and corrosive poison, which is spreading through your blood and when it is reaching other vital organs it making them weak and slowly shutting them down.This problem looks quite old though.Although your phenex regeneration is trying to heal those injuries as fast as it can but it is constantly burning your life force. At this rate this is going,if not stopped in 5 months you will die." System answered after rechecking his whole body.
Now it struck Razor like zeus's mighty thunderbolt. His first instinct was to curl up into a ball and blame the world for his suffering .Then he remembered what his mother used to say 'when you are in trouble your first reaction should be to calm your heart and mind as panic is the seed of defeat, think logically what your action should be given circumstances and chose what is will benefit you most' .Following her teaching He forcefully calmed himself and as he going to ask system the cause,all the sudden it struck him like a train "Those bastard scientists, It must be them. Those fuckers must have put something inside me-cough which is constantly producing light magic inside of my body.I would have torn those son of bitches limb to limb if not for they were already killed by devil military.-cough".
Hearing this Razor instantly thought finally he got a chance of turning the bad luck into good. luck.But system broke all of his day dream"soeery disappoint you host but before you
even reach level 3 in those two resistance perks neither of your body or soul will be left".
"Damm it."While he was coughing in pain and cursing those scientists ancestors for even giving birth of such vile creatures, he desperately asked "can't you extract whatever damm thing is causing this?"
System sorrowfully replied "sorry host,but this is completely merged with your bloodline if I try to forcefully extract it you will die instantly".
"Of course,It just like being everyday me.Always stuck in shitty situations with no where else to go." After self ridiculing himself some more he desperately asked "System what do you suggest I should do?" now looks like he have all of his hope pinned on system.
"Host given the situation you have 2 options.
No1 option is to seal every thing is inside your body except for your devil bloodline. And no2 is seal every thing including your devil bloodline."
Razor started thinking while furrowing his eyebrows'first one looks like is the best choice but while second one sounds so stupid I mean who would even choose that.That's for people who believes in shit like suffering makes character but same time without knowing the outcome choosing either of them would be not only foolish but also dangerous,'
"What will be the result of doing either of them and isn't choosing the second option means sealing off my magic too and becoming a regular mortal?"
"No, host by choosing number 1 means you will have all of your devil powers and your life force will slowly recover after living almost 60 years of living a mortal life you will regain your immortality as your life force will completely recover and your injuries healed but you can only be an high class devil, you can never break that barrier as your soul is a still of a mortal human's and that is one of the reasons you were so weak compared to rest of your kind.
But if you chose path no2 you will seal off all of your supernatural powers except your magic . It will turn you into a magical human.(seeing Razor scoffing)But don't look down on it host as it will give you an opportunity to raise your soul and body to evolve beyond high class. But if you follow this path you can only live for 6 more years after all, as a human you will die from those injuries caused by light element and the poison." System answered.
Hearing this now system got phenex clan's black sheep's interest.
Seeing both of them Razor started to compare but no matter how much he tries to show his ego of not wanting to lower himself to be human again but he have no other choice after all his soul is just of a puny human and it's potential is limited but now he is getting a chance to make his soul grow.A new Razor out of all kind of previous binding a new uncertain but better future.So pride, ego are all bullshit compared to that chance. From now on he is not only just a new man from not just his name also from his body and soul.After all before creation there must be destruction.So without hesitating he ordered system "follow no2."
System again asked him "are you sure about this host? Because if you are not strong enough you won't able to unlock them and they will be stayed sealed forever?"
Razor answered sternly as face etched into one t of determination and ferocity"If I can't unlock them myself in future then I don't deserve them. I will succeed no matter what and beside curing a human's light poison wounds are much easier than devil's. "
System instantly started the job Razor starting to feel like somehow all of body's blood is drained out of him then starting to get light headed and almost fell on his knees but he stood his ground after all from now on he can't afford to show weakness.This is to him just a small test of his determination and endure.Then comes the motherload, as his powerful bonemarrows are getting extracted then replaced by fragile human bonemarrow it feels like someone sticking burning rod inside of your fleshes.This process continued for sometime.But Did he give up?A fat 'no'.He kept muttering to himself "no pain no gain". Finally it came to stop.
Then system notified the job is done and all of his powers except his magic is compressed in a black base ball sized object and stored in system's inventory.
"Host,a word please ",calling him.
"If you lose the ball you will never able to regain your powers. And anybody who opens it will gain all of its power. So no matter what happens,don't lose it and if you are planning to unlock those old powers of your you should try to gain as much light resistance as you can."
Razor silently listened and vowed to be very careful with the power orb and try to work on it.
Somewhere in dxd world:
"Damm those filthy devils,If it is not for them my plan of creating ultimate weapon would have succeeded and I would have already raged war by now."As the man sitting on the throne howled in rage, his red eyes kept glowing in madness as it showing signs of losing sanity."But at least that phenex brat was suffering,and his screams of agony ,Ah,What a beautiful music that boy's scream was."while doing weird twisted motion.while gleefully smiling at the poor boy's unjust suffering.
"My lord,what should we do now ?"The priest kneeling infront of him inquired.
"That holy sword project you are working,how is it going?"he calmed himself while thinking of his next plan as he kept pinching his lower lip.
"My liege it is hard to tell this early what will be the outcome ,it is most likely to succe-"he was cut off.
"Hmph,I don't care if some pathetic project succeed not. What I want to hear those ants scream of pain,suffering."He wishpered in snake like fashion.
"Sir,when we start our experiment, they will scream"he said in hurry "And they will be grateful that they get to entertain you with those pathetic voices of theirs".
"I guess you are right,they should be grateful for being chosen to holy experiment of ours.Now go spread the rumor that Ryu phenex killed his innocent brother using forbidden ritual."While muttering to himself 'I may have lost the battle Ajuka but I will win this war'.
As he raised his head it showed the twisted smile on his face and his shark like teeth" Now I will see how your so called allies will treat you as buddies when they hear this news Lucifer, you self righteous bastard.You always use every chance to mock me,huh now I will see who mocks who?""
Seeing the priest looking at him flabbergasted he
chuckled "Did you really think that just because our test failed I won't look at my test subject.He was quite an interesting one. This is also a chance for me to get revenge for that humiliation those filthy devils inflicted on me .What I want is war and I will get it by any means necessary".
"Yes sir."The priest saluted and left on the task.
"kukukukukuku"The man on the throne watching as his new scheme of starting war spread chaos across the underworld.
Razor's Power orb
Power- Phoenix devil bloodline,???,???,One of them can produce light magic and corrosive poison which can even kill gods but depends on carrier's power.Ex-If carrier is god level only then it can kill gods.
Grade-Platinum (low)
Razor sealed all of supernatural powers to save his life as it was trying to causing him his own self destruction.And went to gain more light resistance and poison resistance,finally a cure for the damage done to his body and soul.Unless he is strong enough to handle this he will try to keep it hidden from wrong hands after all anyone who will gain this can gain all of Razors supernatural powers.