Morning 6'o clock:
From the park,where Razor first landed on this new world if you walk 100 meter on the east you will find main road which leads to the capital. But if you cross the road and kept walking for 10 minutes you will slowly leave the populated area of the town and the natural life full of small bushes ,some big trees and even a pond can be seen.On the side of the pond you will find a whitish grey warehouse.
Now if you without stopping directly went inside of the warehouse you will find it empty and abandoned except for few boxes. On those boxes now decorated like a mat.There you will find our dear protagonist sitting on it and now looks of it he is thinking something.
"So If I use the Phenex tears I got from Ryker how much it will heal?"Truth is he doesn't want to waste anymore phenex tears than needed.After all phenex tears are one of the most powerful healing items so every drop of it is precious. Now that he lost his bloodline he can't produce them himself.
"Host if you just use 2 of them you will be completely healed and now that no light and poison element being produced in your body you will fine but your weakness towards light element will remain as you born as a devil."
Hearing this Razor opened two of the precious bottles and went to drink them to finally get rid of that injury"Wait", system's all the sudden scream startled him almost made him drop the bottles of one of the most precious natural healing items he have.
"Now what?"Normally it takes sometime for Razor to get annoyed at his lifesaver,system. But now as system's all the sudden scream almost made him drop those precious tears he is practically fuming."What is it now system?and look it better be good,if it isn't then I swear I will punch your face so hard that you have put you have put your toothbrush in your ass to brush your teeth."
"Sorry about that" Now system itself was embarrassed. That was a cheap move."Ok, I get it your rage is justified. I mean what would have happened if those precious tears would have been wasted by falling on the ground because of my scream but right now what you are doing is nothing but wasting them."
Now Razor is confused "What do mean?"
"Look host those tears are practically your lifeblood then why are you spending them like it is nothing?" He still didn't understand as his face clearly etched into confusion."Host, You still have 2 other options."
Now Razor got what system is trying to imply 'Yes, why I am like a stupid donkey wasting my precious babies. I haven't even explored this world, there bound to be something that can heal me and I have 5 years before the deadline and even if I don't find something I can always get something from system that can help me in my case.'
He then remembered that he didn't have time to check system's abilities last time he opened the system neither he was able to find out system's capabilities."So system, what are your abilities? I mean you are a purple rank item that means you must be very powerful right?"
Host to be honest what I can do or can not do all depends on you. Truth to be told I am just a beta unlike my other siblings I am not that strong-"
"Wait-wait did you just said that you have siblings? How is that even possible? I mean you are an item right, how can you have siblings? " Razor now very confused.
"My siblings mean other systems who like me born from chaos and can you please stop cutting me off when I am talking .It's really annoying. Now as I was saying how powerful we are depends on our host's luck and deed"
"Sorry, about that". Razor apologized."But I am just confused .But what do you mean by beta system?"
"Sigh, Systems are separated by 2 types. Alpha and beta. But for every systems to be activated they need to find a host. All of us different type of abilities. 'System took a break to look it's host listening or not.'
"Uh-uh, go on."
"Alpha type of system gains power from their nature".
"Wait, nature? Are you saying that every system has different nature I mean like some of them are good nature and some of them are bad" Razor now even more confused.
"Not exactly. all alpha system have elements. When their host does something of that element system gains power from it. " Seeing it's host still not able to understand it started to explain. "Suppose one alpha system has heroic nature. When it's host does something heroic it gains power and host gets benefit from it."
"Benefit, what kind of benefit?"
"Normally system points and sometime even gifts related to their domains such as powerful bloodlines, skills,weapon etc and their nature is the only way for them get powers. But That is not the case with us betas as we don't have anything like that we can't give our host precious gifts although we can gain power much easily as our hosts complete mission and kill others."
"Then shouldn't you betas would be the strongest? Why alphas are stronger than you?"
"Sigh, Under normal circumstances Alphas are stronger than betas But there are exceptions. By killing one man you may or may not gain 10 system point or attribute points .But if killing that man does complete any of that system's elements it's host may gain 1000 system points and exp which will level up their hosts. So they will get stronger than you by atleast 100 time faster but us betas can't have level up our hosts through exp because we don't have exp system.So how strong our host gets and how they levels up all depends on them entirely.That's why we betas don't go around and fuck with them and neither should you do it. But luckily for you there were only 5 alpha system, so your chance of meeting them is rare if not almost nonexistent."
Hearing system's explanation Razor just sighed in disappointment 'Damn it, after wasting my entire lifetime of luck I thought I finally hit the jackpot but when I opened all I got was a 2nd hand crack pot'. Seeing even after helping his host so many times he is still so unappreciative of it,and it really hurts, it just said in annoyed but hurt tone "There are always exceptions,you wasteful prick." and cut off .
'oh shit,system heard it.'
"So system then what are in my starter pack?"talking in fake joval tone
"System,you in there?"
Still no answer.
'woah,this system is really sensitive.'"What's wrong system,why are you getting so angry, wait a minute ,Could it be that today is your that time of the month?"
Seeing system didn't even answer to his taunt he understood one simple thing 'he is fucked'. So having no other choice he started looking at system's capabilities.
System has 7 abilities. They are-
Status-which shows hosts present status
Gacha-This is where by using gacha cards host can get new items, abilities, bloodlines, skills etc. By the value of the object they are separated in 4 diffrent colored bars. Bronze, silver, gold and platinum.
Inventory(5/10)-10 empty spots where host can keep items.
World jump(now greyed)-can jump to other worlds ,of course not without an equivalent cost.
Mission-system will give you mission.If you complete them you will earn rewards.Here you will find mission details.
And finally system points and gacha card-both of them have different uses.
System point-1000(starter)+100=1100
(It is used to buy primary job's skill,abilities,talents etc and to evolve your skills and talents)
Gacha cards are separated in 4 diffrent colors . Bronze, silver, gold and platinum. 10 bronze card= 1 silver card,10 silver card= 1 gold card,10 gold card=1 platinum card.
Everything in gacha separated in 4 ranks just like cards.Bronze,silver,gold and platinum.Whatever color card you use you get that rank's product.Suppose if you use bronze colored card you will get bronze ranked item.not any other ranked be it good or bad,all depends on your luck.
"Ok, system show me my status." While muttering to himself "after this I have to find some information about this world."
Razor Akuma
Race- homo superior(mid)(magical variants of human)
"Well,well,looks like magicless humans are lower race.But then again both of them are mortals.I don't know how can someone become lower than mortal."
Primary class-
Secondary class-
Rank- 0(mortal)(low)
Hp(con x5)-1.5[0.75 regen per minute(con x2.5)]
Mp(int x10)-15 [15 regen per minute(wisx5)]
Str(strength)-0.1(strength measures a person's muscle strength, endurance and stamina)
Dex(dexterity)-0.2(dexterity measures a person's ability,reflexes,speed and balance)
con(constitution)-0.3(3) hidden injuries
(constitution measures a person's fitness,health,injuries and diseases)
Int(intelligence)-1.5 (intelligence measures a person's memory reasoning and learning abilities)
Wis(wisdom)-3 (wisdom measures a person's enlightenment,judgment and common sense)
Cha(charisma)-2+1=3( Charisma measures a person's persuasiveness,personal magnetism and ability to lead)
Luck- 40(this determines a person's destiny, fortune and misfortune)
Trait-Calm,real man
{Calm}-This trait lets you keep your head cool even in most stressful situation.
{NEVER GIVE UP}-Only faliures give up, not real sucessful man.Sucessful man keeps going with their steel like unbreakable determination. Girls love a determined man who knows may be one day some girls will like your ugly ass just because of this trait. Charisma +1.
'Fuck you too,system'.
Title-Fate's bitch
(fate's bitch-you are fate's bottom.So clench your ass.Here comes fate's mighty excaliber. You should be grateful after all with your skill that is the only action you will get in your lifetime.But seriously,everytime you do something that's result depend's on luck,you parmanently lose that luck point without ever having a chance of recovering them.You have to do whatever fate wants you to do.)
Luck- (-10)
'You can choke on my big dick,bastard system'.But seeing the last line Razor's mood got even worse.
"Damm you gods of fate.I fucking loathe you bastards more than anything in this whole existence.If I had power I would have butchered every single one of you so that you can mess with mine or anyone else's life.Motherfucking Abominations.Why don't you just die already you pompous bitches."
This reaction is natural,If he didn't then we may have some issues to be concern about.I mean even though Razor have some issue but he is not a masochist that loves being enslaved by higher level beings.It hurts his pride.Razor may not have noticed Phenex bloodline left much bigger mark on him than just some power.
Talent-fire magic(c),wind magic(d),space magic(e), photographic memory(ss)(natural talent)
If you have talent on something you can learn it and master it faster than others who don't have talent on it.But this talent also separated in different ways.
in grade ranking lowest rank to highest ranks are E-(ability to learn and master 10 time faster than someone with no talent in that matter),D-(20),C-(30),B-(40),A- (50),S-(60),SS-(70),SSS-(80),EX-(90).But listen very carefully except for Ex rank the higher ranking the talent someone have the severe the consequences of having that talent is.
"Photographic memory,huh so that's what my natural talent was.And here I was thinking I am so pathetic that I don't have a single ounce of talent in my body and damn man it is fucking high level talent."Then seeing the warning he started thinking about the things he has experienced in past,it's same as always,crystal clear all of them are clear to so vivid detail that it's amazing.
"No wonder in my past life and in this new one I never forgot single this I experienced.And that's the reason I used to have so much headache every night when I used to go to bed,wow amazing".Razor didn't mind the headaches as he saw them as a minor price for having such amazing power as he smiling is bitterly but it is also mix with thankfulness.
Deep inside his soulscape a purple rune is levitating and wishpered in sad tone"This may look amazing to you now but I wonder though what will think of it ignore it or embraceit,when you will see(all sudden seeing his host's thankful smile)-ah,looks like you already understood that this power is one of the reasons that your suffering is so horrible,huh dear friend.Every single moment, be it waking or sleeping,you had to experience all of your parents and grandma's death.Every single physical pain to every single mental pain such as your woman left you for another man,every single insults,betrayal of your new family towards you when you unconditionally loved them.Not just like a raw image but with all of your raw emotion of that time that makes it so unbearing.All of them multiplied because of this one single ability.Which makes you experience those suffering again,again and again.And it finally broke you and drove to down a path of no return.There is a reason every living being's brain tends to slowly erase their memories from their mind it is to save them from being hurt.It is nature's way saving its children.But now on the path you have started to walk,even nature will reject you.Sigh,I guess it is the way of nature to discriminate people like us,huh,dear host.Those who are different are always gets judged and tormented by those who we love,after all we have no place in their perfect family.It is an insult for them to even telling others that they are related to us.I guess you are right power always comes with a price.In this case you cannot forget anything be it good memory or bad memory. "
It was not that System was really angry with Razor for teasing or anything it's just that he didn't know how to be the bearer of the bad news that explains it's host the reason of his suffering.So he left but kept watching his dear host.Neither of them may not have realized that this mere act actually bonded both host and system together as a family who will always watch each other's back,no matter how much difficulty they have to go through .
Sometime it's true that you action speaks louder than your voice.
Seeing space magic in his talent Razor was shocked "where did this came from,I don't remember ever having talent in space magi-wait a minute? could it be it is from that ritual? after all I only did one ritual in my life other than killing Ryker.I still remember it just like yesterday in early when I was being ridiculed by everyone for not having any talent.As I was desperately researching through the library how to gain power.I found one rather unique ritual which didn't harm anybody except for the fact after I used that one my body kept feeling bloated for months.But I didn't gained any special powers from it.So I thought this was a prank.Damn man,why I was such an idiot?I should have gone deeper into that magic.But then again e tier talent is the lowest tier talent.To raise it to high tier will be one major pain in the ass.But same time space is one of the most powerful type of
magic so I must work on it when I get time.Alright next is skills."
ability-Regenaration type-4(lost),phenex Physiology (lost)
Abilities are different than talents.Unlike talent it isn't unlocked.It means you have ability to unlock that ability.You just have to pay the price.It has no ranking.
"Both of them are greyed.So they can't show anything"
Skill-language mastery(max)-It is born talent of all devils.They can understand,read,write and speak in any language regardless of the species tongue.
Envy of the weak-steal others talent.Can only be used once in a year.Limited to rank 3 level beings.
Poison Resistance-lvl 1-you are immune to basic poisons.
light Resistance-lvl 1you won't gain rashes on long term contact with sunlight.What?not satisfied.Bitch,be grateful after all this will save your sunscreen money,you poor ghost.
Strength 1= ability to lift 450 kg
constitution 1= ability to run at the speed of 40 km/hour