Chapter 10: What the hell was that?

"Darling! Don't worry about it. Sit, Sit." His mother shooed at Hunter, forcing him into a chair before sitting down herself. But not before rubbing Hunter's arms needlessly.

"A foxy minx running off at the last second and not helping you with your work. Hunter dear, is there a new special somebody at work you are fancying? Didn't you spend all of last night wooing Miss Hailey Lane? You wouldn't be dallying others while courting Miss Lane now. The scandal Beth would have to endure. You know us girls understand boys and their urges. It just would do well to remember to keep your…"

"Other… interests you have on the side. Much more hush."

Stacey glared.

'Dalliances, interests, what a smooth way to refer to being a lying, cheating scoundrel.'

"Wow, what flowery descriptors." He commented.

Hunter smirked deviously.