Chapter 11 Reserved for Idiots

Hunter watched Stacey out of the corner of his eye.

Stacey had been owly all week since their luncheon with Lilian, last Saturday. But contrary to what he had thought he had actually been listening.

Begrudgingly, and barely. But he had stopped by twice to throw something on Hunter's desk before walking out.

Stacey looked annoyed at his very existence every time he so much as glanced his way. But those heated glares were a scintillating threat that ran across his skin like fire. And every time he caught Stacey's eyes his body shivered with excitement. His pants were constrained and his mind went places he knew it had no right to go.

And yet he desired it.

He desired him. So badly.

'How could you do something so naughty a year ago and completely forget me?'

"How dare you forget me." Hunter mused.


Hunter looked over at the little sofa in his office at Mia who sat there blinking utterly confused.