Chapter 43: Dominate!

Evan watched Sam try and work out what had just happened.

'Good luck, I can't even work out what happened just now.'

Sam's mouth opened, then closed. Evan let him struggle with the fact he had just given up so much control to him so freely.

'It was almost funny, unexpected, but funny. Seeing someone who clearly always had a million ways to play a situation to his advantage completely at a loss of control.' He tried hard not to smile as he really didn't want to hurt Sam's feelings now.

'But he had a feeling the situation Sam was waring with inside was not what they had done, but the fact that he hadn't been in control of it at all.'

Which made sense. Sam was all talk about loving any gender. Evan had guessed correctly. Sam had never been with or done anything with a man before. And he had just assumed he would be dominant in the relationship.

'Well, you assumed wrong duck.'