Chapter 42: This intense insanity!

Evan stared at Sam, who still had his eyes closed and his mouth slightly open.

He looked as if someone had hit him in the face with a door. His darker skin had turned a lovely flush of red and his chest rose and fell in deep excited breaths.

Sam's eyes fluttered back open and he opened his mouth wider as if to talk.

"You know..." Evan said softly.

Sam's breathing slowed. Evan got a shiver down his spine and up into his neck. He blinked, his mouth open slightly letting out an excited shaky breath.

'That was heaven, absolute heaven. He had never had that kind of sheer fervor, a lightening connection the moment their lips had locked. A heat had poured through his entire body, and he had felt an almost animalistic desire to ravish him. The moment Sam had melted into it so eagerly.'

Evan tried not to smirk.

'This was dangerous...'

'Very dangerous...'

One kiss and Sam was hanging,


Almost desperate to hear what had made Evan stop their kiss just to say.