Chapter 42

A/N: I'm sorry but the next few updates will be slow. I kinda got involved in a little accident. I've got two knuckles, a carpal bone and the base of thumb of my left hand fractured. So I'm typing with my right hand. Please understand, it's tough to type with just one hand so my speed is slow.

Sorry for this inconvenience.


Iris sat in front of Dumbledore in his office, looking at him as if he'd lost his mind.

The dork had called her to his office to tell her that Snape was gonna teach her occulomency. The very Snape who hated her.

"And why would I let someone like Snape inside my head? The man who loathes my existance?"

"Iris, my dear..."

"..You're forgetting your manners Headmaster."

This girl.... "Apologies Ms. Potter, 'Professor' Snape is a very good occulomens and you need to learn that art. Voldemort could be trying to get inside your mind and try to mislead you."

Iris tilted her head and said, "I'm well versed in occulomency Headmaster. I don't need more training. Furthermore, he is your spy in Voldemort's group of slaves. That snake face could just torture information about me out of Snape."

Ignoring the slave comment, Dumbledore continued, "You must see reason Ms. Potter, occulomency is necessary for you to defend your mind against Voldemort. You may have some beginner shields but professor Snape will teach you to become a master."

When Iris was about to retort, Dumbledore held his hand up and said in an authoritative manner, "I shall not hear another word about you trying to evade it. You must learn occulomency from professor Snape."

Iris scowled. 'Who does he think he is? My parent? Alright then, if you want to force this matter then be ready to deal with the consequences. You forced my hand.'

She just got up and left without saying a word. Dumbledore had a smug look on his face. 'Very good. Soon Severus will break your rudimentary shields for Tom to invade your mind. It's just a matter of time.'


Iris entered Snape's office and sat in a chair without acknowledging the bat's presence.

Snape sneered and spat out, "Such arrogance, Potter. I am going to teach you how to defend against leglimency attacks so you better show respect."

Iris kept staring at the man who was one of the people responsible for her parents' deaths with a clenched jaw. She could never forgive this man. Every time she saw him, she tried her best not to hex him to bits.

Snape sneered again and pointed his wand at her head.

"Clear your mind!"

As snape entered her mind, he found himself in a dark place. Moving around he struck his foot onto something hard and even though he was wearing shoes, he stubbed his toe.

Finally he found the and opened it, only to find a giant man grabbing him from his and drag him out in the lobby.

Snape struggled and tried to use magic but he couldn't find his wand anywhere on his person. Furthermore, he found himself to be way shorter that he was.

The giant tore his clothes and threw him on the floor. Then the giant undid his belt and began whipping Snape's back while calling him all derogatory names he could think of.

Snape couldn't understand how this was happening. He was being whipped inside Potter girl's head and he could feel every bit of it.

The giant kept whipping him till the belt was all worn out and bloody. Snape's back was bleeding with large gashes all over it.

The giant man transformed into a very naked Dumbledore. What followed after that was every straight man's nightmare.

An hour later, Iris left Snape's office with a huge smile on her face leaving a fainted and shivering Snape back in his office.

'Dumbledore wanted you to mind rape me? Well you got raped by Dumbledore in my mind. I wonder what that's called... I'm becoming like Ed...'


Dumbledore couldn't understand what had happened to Snape.

When Dumbledore visited him in the infirmary, Snape screamed and ran away from him. He had been tying to talk to Snape about the occulomency session but whenever Snape saw Dumbledore, he began shivering and would meekly greet Dumbledore before running away. Even his cloak had stopped bellowing behind him.

After dinner, Dumbledore was finally able to corner Snape and asked in a gentle grandfatherly manner, "Severus my boy..."

Eyes wide in horror, Snape screamed "NOOOO!!!" before he ran away to his office and locked himself in, remembering that was exactly what Dumbledore had said to him before.... he screamed again and fainted from mental exhaustion.

It took weeks and many visits to a mind healer for Snape to be his usual self.

When Dumbledore finally learnt what made Snape so afraid of him, he was shaken. Iris had been vicious in her retaliation. Though it was a competition what shook him more between what happened to him in Iris' mind or the fact that Dumbledore couldn't live one of his fantasies with Snape. So many years of persistence and building the closeness wasted when Snape turned out to be straight.

Eventually, Dumbledore had to drop his idea of breaking Iris' shields and try to think of some other way to prevent her rise in power.


The DADA lessons with Edmund and Iris were.. difficult for the students.

Even though Iris had constantly asked Edmund to try and tone it down before the session began, his method of training the fifth year students and those younger who were unfortunate enough to turn up was a bit much.

By the end of first lesson, everyone was left fallen on the ground, panting from exhaustion. Their legs were wobbly due to hours of constant movement, dodging those stray stinging hexes which were so painful it felt like thorns being thrown at their bottoms with speeds faster than bludgers.

Half the students dropped the next day. But those who remained, they continued coming back for more once they realised the benefits of Edmund's training.

Their reflexes were sharpening at a visible rate and so were their magical reserves. Their spell casting was faster and they were learning difficult spell chains that could tire an adult wizard very quickly.

Edmund knew that at some point, if Voldemort was not taken out by Iris soon, he'd be attacking Hogwarts.

Edmund didn't want any if his friends, or any other student, to die. Well, mostly all the students. Ron Weasley.... no wait, it was Prewitt now, could die in a ditch for all Edmund cared. Arthur had been thoughtful enough to disown all three of the offenders.

The jerk couldn't take a clue that Iris wanted nothing to do with him as he kept persisting even after Iris busted one of his balls.

Anyway, as word got out about all the improvent many students were showing, more were attracted to Edmund's training session, which was now dubbed as 'Edmund's Personal Training from Hell.'

It was only a matter of time before they were ready to face off against Voldemort and his army of wankers.


Voldemort had been getting increasingly anxious. All his attacks on muggles had been thoroughly thwarted by that Potter girl.

Should he start hitting wizard communities? Even though he could there was a higher chance for more of his death eaters dying in those raids against wizards. He needed more wizards and witches joining his cause.

Lucius came running into the room and immediately fell on his knees to adress Voldemort.

"My Lord! I bring great news! The Vampires, werewolves and giants have agreed to join our ranks. Their leaders have asked for a meeting to discuss their role and subsequent rise in status in your empire."

Voldemort looked at Lucius and smiled. Things were finally looking better for him.


A/N: Hope you liked the chapter. And, I made all that crap up in the beginning. Nothing's happened to me. I'm fine. You weren't fooled right?