Chapter 43

Daphne tried her best to focus on that day's task. But her eyes would always betray her and wander off towards him.

The past few months had been agonizing. She found her thoughts wandering around more often. Thoughts about him.

Daphne was an ambitious girl who wanted to make a name for herself and leave a mark on the world. She was brilliant in almost every form of magic and worked hard to become an exceptional witch, not wanting anything to come in the way of her ambition. Being an heiress, she had a lot of responsibilities and she tried to be her best in everything.

But for the last few months, since this... club of sorts had begun, Daphne found herself getting distracted by him.

It was just admiration at first. He was strong, be it physically or magically, and exuded an aura of utter dominance. Daphne wanted to be strong like him, dominating and head strong, unwavering in any situation.

Slowly, she found herself observing him interact with others. She enjoyed being around him. He was unnerving at first but once she got to know him, she found him to be quite pleasant. A little playful at times. His dry sense of humor always seemed to crack her up.

His training seemed to be torture but she could see it in his eyes. He cared for his fellow students and even though he didn't tell them, he was preparing them to not only defend, but fight back against forces of the dark.

Whenever she was talking to him, she would find herself drowning in his electric blue eyes that seemed to glow at all times. She would feel entranced by his voice, a little deep for a teenager, but soothing to her ears.

Daphne found herself getting infatuated with Edmund.

But there was one big problem. Edmund loved Iris Potter with all of his being.

Daphne had nothing against Iris. She had become a very close friend of Daphne, one of the closest even.

She knew that Iris had gone through a lot and was happy that her friend had found someone like Edmund. But, that made it all the more painful. Daphne didn't want to hurt Iris but it didn't prevent Daphne from getting envious of her. She cursed herself sometimes for letting her emotions get the better of her. This should never have happened.

It was the last day of E.P.T.H for the year as Christmas holidays were beginning.

As the session came to an end, Astoria Greengrass, Daphne's little sister who was a second year student, ran towards Edmund and asked in her usual bubbly manner, "Ed! will you be visiting for Christmas this year?"

They had met during the many balls over the years. Even though Edmund always remained distant, Astoria had taken to him immediately and was always the one to drag him to play with other kids. She had come to see Edmund as an elder sibling.

The boy may deny it, but he like Astoria and considered her to be someone he'd want to protect.

Daphne's eyes lit up and a beautiful smile appeared on her lips.

Edmund smiled down at the bubbly girl and replied, "Of course I will. Iris will be there to, right?"

Iris just smiled brightly and nodded.

Standing behind them, Daphne could feel her smile lessen and get a little strained.

No, this could not go on any longer. She had to get some closure before things got worse.

Daphne hardened her resolve and waited for evenryone to leave before she approached them.

"Um, Edmund, could I.. talk to you for a minute? Alone.."

Edmund looked at Iris who looked back at him.

"Sure why not."

As Iris left the ROR, Daphne took a deep breath and began, "Edmund, I know this is very wrong and it may ruin our friendship but I want to get it out of my stomach. I... I have been.. I.."

She closed her eyes as tears threatened to fall down her face. Edmund quietly reached out and wiped them away. She looked him with eyes widened with surprise.

"Go on," He whispered.

Daphne nodded and continued, "I don't know how to start. I told myself today, I might as well take the risk because it's the only remedy I know of that could let loose this feeling I've been keeping inside me all this time.... I love you, Edmund. I know you'll find it hard to believe me if I tell you how much you mean to me. I hardly understand what I feel for you. I've never felt like this before. I don't know how to pour out my feelings for you now. I wanted to find the perfect words to make you realize how much I need you and love you, but words continue to elude me; what could they be? Something poetic? I'm sure it should be heartfelt and out of the ordinary. I'm afraid it's no use. Every time I look at you, the words come out the same--I love you! I know you love Iris and it's wrong of me to confess like this. She's one my best friends and I can't even dream of doing something that could hurt her. I care for her and I want the best for her. That's why, I just had to confess. Please, don't misunderstand me Edmund, please.."

Edmund just stared at her as she kept repeating her last word, her head hanging down while tears ran down her face.

When she didn't hear any reply, she looked up and saw it in his eyes. He understood her.

"... First I want you to wipe your tears away."

Daphne sniffed and wiped her face with her hands.

"I know what that feeling is Daphne. I've been there. I understand. You're a really beautiful girl and I honestly like you. But.."

Daphne lowered her head and clenched her eyes shut. She knew what he was about say but she didn't want to hear it.

Edmund exhaled deeply and continued, ".. But I love Iris. Even if I accept your love, I'll be betraying the love she has for me and the love I have for her. I'll be betraying you, because it would be false. I knew you were developing feelings for me.."

Daphne's head snapped towards him.

".. and I had been trying to avoid you, trying to prevent them from getting more serious. But, I failed, since you've confessed. Even Iris knew.."

Daphne's eyes went wide like saucers when she heard that.

".. and she was very cool about it. You don't have to worry about losing your friend. Things will remain like they were. You love me, and I am flattered. Truly, I am. But I can't accept it. That doesn't affect our friendship in any way. We'll remain your friends for as long as you want us to be, perhaps even after that."

Daphne chuckled and wiped her tears away. "Can I hug you?"

Edmund smiled and replied, "Come."

Outside the ROR, Iris was leaning against the door, listening to their conversation. She smiled, resolving to talk to Daphne and ease whatever worries that might have remained.

A few minutes later, Edmund and Iris stood beside each other at the bank of the frozen Black lake, holding their hands.

Edmund looked at Iris, admiring the angelic scene. He leaned closer to her and whispered in her ear, "I love you."

Iris turned towards him and pecked his lips. She smiled and replied, "I know."


A/N: I really struggled with this chapter. Man this was a tough one. No my hand is not hurt but it was just difficult. I don't know if I messed it up, you guys are the ones who'll be deciding that. So, did you like the chapter?