Chapter 44

Voldemort sat on his throne as he watched his minions loitering around. The talks with other dark creatures bore fruit and now, more than six hundred beings were part of his death eaters.

Lucius entered the room and ran up to him with a look of distress on his face.

"M--My lord, I--I bring some bad news."

Voldemort looked at him sharply and spoke in a calm voice, "Speak.... Lucius."

Malfoy swallowed a thick blob of saliva and said, "My Lord, the Potter girl, with the help of Edmund Whirlpool, has gained access to the Hall of Prophesy. They have destroyed the orb containing the prophesy about you and Potter after hearing it'sfull contents."

Voldemort's face contorted into that of absolute anger as he cursed Malfoy with the cruciaticus. He raged and cursed a few other followers before he turned towards the cowering Parkinson and demanded, "Who is this Whirlpool? I thought Vulpis had killed each and every wizard or witch of that house. And where are Vulpis and his sprogs anyway?!"

Parkinson was shaking in his boots as he felt the dark aura oozing out of Voldemort. In a shaky voice, he began, "My Lord, Edmund Whirlpool is the son of Altair Vulpis and Clair Vulpis nee Whirlpool. Clair was the last of those blood traitors and Aldrich had his son marry Clair to spite the main house, Vulpis being the disgraced and brach house of Whirlpool. Aldrich died when he was tor... disciplining his grandson in an accidental bout of magic by Edmund. We don't know what happened to Alden and Altair. Though, since Edmund became lord Vulpis before he disowned himself, thus ending the Vulpis line, they are most probably dead. No one knows how. No one knows much about Edmund. He is said to be an above average wizard and has an intimate relation with Iris Potter."

Somehow it felt like a lot was missing. That shouldn't be it. Voldemort had left no stone unturned in trying to find that man who had attacked him a few moths ago in the cemetery. Could Edmund be that man? No, the attacker was too strong and fast, like a beast. No wizard could be that fast or physically strong. But if it really was Edmund...

"I want you to find out more about this Edmund and the Whirlpools. I want to know everything about them. Go!"

Parkinson hastily made his way out of the manor, not wanting to become a victim of Voldemort's wrath.

Meanwhile, Voldemort began mobilizing his men. It was time to free some of his best from prison, and perhaps gain loyalty of another race of dark creatures.

It was time to attack Azkaban.


Numerous bolts of offensive magic showered down on the fort of Azkaban. The dementors had already left and joined Voldemort, leaving behind the prison warden and few other guards to face the onslaught of a massive death eater attack.

The spells met stone and blasted the walls of Azkaban, freeing the various prisoners.

But before the prisoners could rejoice, a legion of aurors appeared via portkeys and began subduing the escaping filths of wizarding world. Soon, death eaters landed onto the ground and began defending the prisoners.

Azkaban was quickly turned into a battlefield. But soon, it reached an impasse.

Since his return was already public knowledge, there was no use in hiding. Voldemort decided to show the world why he should be feared.

He entered the battlefield and began slaughtering the aurors. Seeing their lord among them, the death eaters rallied and pushed the aurors back.

The ministry forces had no choice but to make an escape.

This was Voldemort's first victory after his return. More than fifty of the most terrible wizards had joined his cause. Those who refused, were given as treats to the dementors.

Meanwhile, back in the ministry, everyone in the wizengamot sat quietly with a grim look on their faces. Many of them glared at the so called dark and light factions. They had initiated a vote to send less aurors to Azkaban and keep more back at the ministry for protection. Even though many of the dark faction members were absent, then being the bearers of the dark mark, the assholes had won by no more than three votes.

This had cost the ministry lives of some exceptional aurors.

Edmund sat in his seat with a murderous scowl on his face. Dumbledore was still playing his games even though he was no longer welcomed in the ministry. He cursed himself for underestimating his enemies, his clones were all busy and the island of Azkaban was inaccessible without special portkeys. Edmund was stuck at the ministry while the aurors fought with their lives to repel Voldemort's forces. A single thought repeating itself in his mind.

'I should have been there.'

It was intollerable. Edmund wanted to kill Dumbledore. The man had sacrificed lives of good men because of his deranged self righteous plans. There might have been a time when he was a genuinely good person. But now, he was twisted by his own beliefs. Grindelwald's memories had shown Dumbledore's true self. The dried up old shit was just like a lesser brutal Danzo. Both were pests who needed to be terminated before it was too late.

(A/N: Before some of you rant about this being a load of crap, let me remind you a very important fact....

That's right, it's my fanfiction. I'll decide what kind of a man Dumbledore would be. You'll learn what kind of shit he has done for Edmund to compare him to Danzo. Wait for it).

But unlike Sasuke who killed Danzo out of revenge, Edmund decided to think of a more creative way to destroy Dumbledore.


Dumbledore sucked onto a very sweet lemon drop as he savoured the feeling of his first victory against the enemies of greater good. Many wizards were still loyal to him. Voldemort would have won in the battle of Azkaban anyway. There was no need to send the full force of ministry to confront him. Even though a few good aurors had died, it was for the good. Their sacrifice shall not be forgotten.

The doors of his office were flung open and a number of wizards and witches stormed into his office. Dumbledore felt a little alarmed. Why were these members of the Board of Governors their in his office?

"Albus Percival Wulfric Brian Dumbledore, you are hereby removed from your post as the Headmaster of Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. You have one day to handle your affairs in the school and leave the castle grounds or else you will be unceremoniously taken away from Hogwarts. Your services are no longer required."

Dumbledore was panicking in his mind but kept a clam look on his face. "May I know on what grounds am I being replaced by someone else?"

"We are the board Dumbledore and it's upto us when a headmaster is to be replaced. You have put the students at risk numerous times in your tenure as the headmaster. The educations standards have fallen to an all time low. Hogwarts is not the premier school it used to be. It's time for someone capable to replace you."

"Ah, I belive I should congratulate Minerva."

McGonagall had absolute loyalty to Dumbledore. If she was to replace him, he could still pull the strings to his favor.

One of the governors raised and eyebrow, "McGonagall? No, she is not suitable. Filius Flitwick shall be the new headmaster of this school."

Dumbledore sighed in defeat. Filius was one of the few who maintained their own ideals and was never swayed by Dumbledore's tricks. All he could do for now was leave. He needed time to plan his next move and counter this predicament he was in.