A Secret Conversation

Olivia pushed open the doors to the academy's library. The Royal Academy boasted the largest collection of books on magic and the art of summoning. Scholars often stopped by to look up references for their research. The books provided valuable knowledge of origins and history. Olivia figured she could find a clue about Mezolas written here.

Olivia picked out a bunch of old books on the realms of spirits. At the academy, they were taught that there were three realms: one where dark spirits resided, one where neutral spirits resided, and one where the benevolent spirits resided. The ritual for summoning a familiar were strictly only for the realms of the neutral and benevolent spirits. If the spirits saw the summoner fit, they would offer up their services.

How in the world did the summoning ritual bring forth a creature like Mezolas?

She searched several books. They left no clues for her. She almost gave up until the eye of nightmare appeared before her.

"My Lady, if it's an answer you seek, perhaps I can provide one for you," said Mezolas.

"I'd like to see what the books say," Olivia replied.

"Very well. Might I suggest this book?" The eye levitated a book off the shelf and set it on the table. "If you prefer to read about me in a book, this is the only one that mentions me."

Olivia held the book in her hands. Its pages were dusty. It had probably been sitting in the shelf for years before being opened again. She blew the dust away and leafed through its old pages.

The Lady and the Eye.

It was an old legend about an assassin who had the blessings of a frightening creature of nightmares. Together, they rid the land of corrupt people in power through bloodshed and slaughter. The people feared them and at the same time revered them for their deeds. One day, they met a terrible fate after they were tricked by the king's royal magister and were never heard from again.

"Is this your history?" Olivia asked.

Mezolas laughed. "My Lady, the history written down tells very little of the actual incident that took place. It isn't hard for a single person to change history with a pen, paper, and blazing fire."

"Are you saying that I shouldn't trust these books?"

"Books appear to have authority, but they can very well contain falsehood." Mezolas floated around. "I tell my Lady only the truth. You will see in time."

Olivia continued reading the book. As she did so, she heard sounds from outside.

"Be cautious, my Lady. I hear footsteps approaching," Mezolas warned.

"But this is the academy. Why the need for caution?" Olivia wondered. It was normal for students and alumni to pay a visit to the library.

"If the Hand of the Dark Order has reappeared, it won't be long until the Eye of Nightmare shows up again. It would be very inconvenient if it meddles in my affairs." She heard a voice from the other side of the wide bookshelf.

"I will see to it that the Eye is vanquished immediately."

"The staff's location has been identified. It lies within the armory of the union Royal Red. Obtaining it will be easy."

"Are they talking about you, Mezolas?" Olivia whispered.

"As far as I'm concerned, I know of no other creature that calls itself the Eye of Nightmare besides myself," replied Mezolas.

She heard the footsteps getting closer to her. Mezolas vanished from sight immediately.

"Umm..." Olivia was unsure what to say as the two men looked at her with eyes that saw her as an annoyance. She took off immediately, knowing they did not want her lingering around.

Those men were not professors of the academy. Who were they?

"Mezolas," she called for her familiar once she was far away in a safe area.

"Yes, my Lady?"

"Who were those people?"

"Their identities are unknown to me, but verily they are our enemies. You must make haste and send word to Adrian Icarus. I hate to cooperate with a member of House Icarus, but he is the head guardian of the artifact they seek."

Olivia hurried to the headquarters of Royal Red where they were conducting their scheduled recruitment activities.


"Olivia! You came," Shina was delighted to see his friend attend the recruitment event at the Royal Red headquarters. "So you changed your mind and decided to apply for membership? Here, let me give you a number."

It was Olivia's first time inside the union's base. Rather than a base, it looked more like another one of the Royal Academy's school buildings. Its structure and furnishings were well invested on and could easily be mistaken for an abode of a noble. Royal Red was considered as a high class union, being supported directly by House Icarus and a few other houses.

"Sorry, Shina. I'm not here for this. I have some news to deliver." Olivia stopped him before he could pull her to the testing rooms.

"Some news?" Shina looked surprised.

"Someone wants to break into the armory of Royal Red and steal a certain staff. I don't know much of the details, but I overheard two men speaking."

"That sounds worrying. I'll mention that to the other members."

"Ah! Another recruit? Come! Come!" The twins Coura and Ama Belaria suddenly appeared and whisked Olivia away to the testing room.

"Hey, wait! I'm not..." Olivia couldn't stop them.

"I wonder what skills you have to offer!"

"Shina!" Olivia begged for Shina's help, but even Shina's voice was inaudible to the twins.