
Inside the testing room, recruits were lined up waiting for their turn to demonstrate their skill. In the middle of the room was a tall girl with light blue hair holding a clipboard and a pen. Beside her was a large muscular man who looked almost like a beast.

"Jeanne! We have another recruit!" Coura said excitedly while bringing Olivia into the room.

All eyes were on them. Olivia felt awkward from all the attention.

Jeanne Celeste was a quiet and well-mannered lady who was one of the union's strongest summoners. Her benevolent spirit took the form of a blue horse enveloped in electricity. It stood guard beside her as she was taking notes of the new recruits.

The other member beside her was Leonel Aelius, an equally strong summoner who was often nicknamed 'man-beast' for his rough appearance and physical abilities. His red spiky hair matched the flames of his familiar, a crimson phoenix that sat upon his shoulder. He was one of the union's original members along with Shina and Jeanne.

"We were just finishing the skill demonstrations. You can step right up and show us what your familiar's specialty is," Jeanne said with a friendly smile.

"Come on, new recruit! Show us what you got!" Ama cheered her on.

Olivia felt the pressure. She wanted to tell them that they were mistaken, but they all seemed eager to see her skill demonstration.

"Umm... I..."

At that moment, Adrian Icarus was paying them a visit to see how the recruitment activity was coming along. He had been busy at a meeting all morning and finally had the time to oversee things.

"You..." Adrian recognized Olivia.

"Oh, Adrian!" The twins were happy to see him. "You're just in time! This new recruit was about to show us her skills."

Suddenly, Adrian's face turned dead serious. The gruesome scene from the kidnapping incident flashed before his eyes like an old film.

"Are you ok?"

Jeanne remained silent and waited for him to say something.

"Leave this particular recruit to me," Adrian said and dragged Olivia out of the room. "Carry on with your testing."

Everyone left behind in the room was confused about Adrian's reaction.

Once they were far away enough for no one to hear them, Adrian stopped in his tracks. "Are you trying to put my union members and recruits in danger? That power you have with your familiar is something you should use sparingly. I must admit that it's great to have a powerful summoner in my union, but that power of yours is dangerous. We will be held accountable for any accidents it might cause."

Olivia cried inside from the rejection. "I'm not even here to apply for membership."

Adrian was surprised. "Then what are you here for?"

"Olivia! There you are. I'm sorry about the twins. They just don't listen when they get too excited," Shina said while running to them. He stopped to catch his breath.

"Don't worry about it, Shina! Adrian pulled me out in time," replied Olivia.

"What's all this about, Shina?" Adrian demanded to know.

"Olivia came here to warn us about someone who plans to steal the staff in our armory," Shina explained.

"Where did you hear this from?" Adrian looked at Olivia.

"I was inside the academy's library when I overheard two men talk about it. I don't know who they were, but I managed to see how they looked like."

"Inside the academy?" Adrian was deep in thought. "Did you hear anything else important?"

"They mentioned something called The Hand of the Dark Order."

"That's the cult that kidnapped you and your classmates. Could they have been spies from that group?"

Olivia shook her head. "They spoke as if they were separate from the cult."

"Maybe we should check the armory and see if the staff is still there," Shina suggested. "If it is, we can buff up security."

The three of them walked down the hallway towards the doors to the armory. On the way there, a certain man wearing the garments of nobility was making his way out of the building.

"Uncle, you did not tell me that you would pay a visit today," Adrian spoke to the man.

The man smiled. "Ah. My nephew Adrian. I did not want to disturb you. I heard you are busy with meetings and recruitment activities. I'm looking forward to the new members of Royal Red. This union is the pride of the Icarus family."

Olivia recognized him. He was one of the men in the library!

Adrian's uncle noticed Olivia. He frowned when he saw her. He definitely remembered her.

"And who might this be?" the man asked.

Adrian glanced at Olivia. He saw the expression on her face. "One of the new applicants."

"Interesting. I don't believe the union is in need of a weak and frail girl like her. We need strong summoners. Ones that will keep Royal Red at the top of the rankings. The union must live up to its name." Adrian's uncle glanced at his watch. "Now, if you'll excuse me, I have to get going."

Once the man left the headquarters, the twins appeared behind them.

"What his problem?" Coura folded her arms.

"I don't like him," Ama pouted.

"Shina, is it snack time yet?"

"It's too early for snacks," Shina replied.

"That was him," said Olivia.

"What? My uncle Glen Icarus?" Adrian was appalled.

Olivia nodded. "He was one of the men from the library."

"That's impossible. My uncle has long supported the union and our drive to eradicate the dark spirits from this world."

"Why don't we just check the armory first?" Shina suggested.

"Let's go."