Rook hid from the door and listened to what they were talking about inside. He noticed that everyone was present except Hansel, who they saw outside speaking with someone on his phone. Tatsumi quickly followed and went on the other side to eavesdrop.
"Who do you think did this? You believe that this is murder?" asked Sari to all of them.
"If you're asking us who the murderer is, isn't that supposed to be you?" laughed Nakahara.
Sari was caught off guard and suddenly, her face turned different and arrogantly asked Nakahara what he was trying to imply.
"I know you don't have an amnesia not to remember it. Before Aldern was in this business, he was once a talent manager for television entertainment. He rejected your application because you never had the looks. Maybe you had old grudge to him so you killed him," Nakahara continued, exposing more of what Sari was doing over the years.
"That's not possible! Sari is with me the whole time!" defended Jenny who stood in anger because of Nakahara's accusation.
"It must be you, Nakahara. Do you think I don't know who you are? You and Aldern were in a business before, but because you weren't able to pay the business debt that could save the company. He abandoned you and searched for another person who could replace you in the business. Maybe that is the reason that you killed him," replied Sari.
Nakahara silenced himself.
"Stop it, both of you! We still don't know if it's actually murder!" Gabriel moderated.
"Speaking of which, you are the nearest person who could have killed him. Maybe you hanged him there. Besides you also have the motive. Isn't t it hat Aldern did not approve your script on the television entertainment? He said your script is not that good. So you probably killed him," said Sari, pointing all the blame to Gabriel.
"Don't say that!" exclaimed Gabriel.
Rook appeared from the opened room together with Tatsumi.
"It seems all of you have motives to kill the victim," said Rook. The silence grew from all of them. They were caught unguarded by such manner. Hansel came and broke the silence.
"Inspector Krauss will return tomorrow to see what they can do about the case. He called a while ago."
They silently walked away from the room they gathered in. It was only the three of them, Hansel, Rook and Tatsumi.
"Sir, I know how hard it is that your secretary is already dead. I hope you are okay."
"Don't worry, I am still fine."
"Tatsumi and I will just go out on the mansion for a while. We will be back soon, I hope you understand."
"Definitely yes, you can. Maybe the image of what happened may have given you trauma so I think going out is a solution for now. Please help yourselves."
"Thank you very much," Rook bowed. They went straightly out of the mansion and decided to catch a fresh air outside. Tatsumi was wondering where Rook actually wanted to go and how it would help them find out who might have done the murder.