First Night Together

Lin Xiaoxiao looked at the handsome man next to her as she finally asked: "Xing are you really the president? Like the big boss of Empire Group? The mysterious owner of Empire Entertainment?"

Being called by his given name by his little beauty made Shen Xing's lips curl upwards. But for the driver who was standing behind them, who had his eyes bulging out of his head. He never thought that his boss would allow anyone to call him by his given name. He had remembered that a secretary in the company who was beautiful beyond belief had tried to worm her way into his boss's bed. She called him by his given name one day only to be dragged out by his bodyguards by her hair and thrown into one of Empire Group's underground brothels. The boss's explanation as to why she was thrown into a brothel was "Since she liked to use her body to climb her way up the ladder so much he would grant her, her wish and let her use her body to pleasure customers every day." But here there was a young lady next to him calling his given name and the boss was smiling! The driver decided he would make sure to treat this young lady with extra care just in case she becomes the new madame of Empire Group…

"Mhm! It all belongs to me. My father passed the company to me after he retired. So now I'm the President and CEO." Shen Xing said as he wrapped his arm around Lin Xiaoxiao's waist and lifted her up into a princess carry.

"Xing I can walk by myself." Lin Xiaoxiao's face turned red. As she wrapped her arms around Shen Xing's neck.

"It's the first time you are entering my home so I have to carry my woman across the threshold" Shen Xing explained in a matter-of-fact way.

Lin Xiaoxiao's ears turned red as she shyly said: "That's something you only do when you get married..."

"Un! But that's two years away. So we can just use this time as practice!" Shen Xing kissed the top of her head and with large strides carried Lin Xiaoxiao into the building like it was the normal thing to do.

Shen Xing carried her all the way into the elevator and even then he still did not put Lin Xiaoxiao down. Lin Xiaoxiao buried her head into Shen Xing's chest to try to hide her embarrassment. But even still she felt at ease while in Shen Xing's embrace. She did not know why she felt so safe.

In order to get to the top floor, Shen Xing had to use a special key and also have his thumbprint and eye scanned before the elevator would even move. The top floor was the eightieth floor. When the elevator doors finally opened after almost a ten-minute wait, the first thing that entered Lin Xiaoxiao's eyes was an indoor garden. There was a mini man-made pond with lotus blossoms floating on top. All along the pond's edge, tall stalks of bamboo could be seen growing. When matched with the other plants in the garden it gave off a natural relaxing feel.

Lin Xiaoxiao looked around and her eyes opened wide as she saw the garden. A smile bloomed on her face as she said: "Xing it's so pretty!"

"Un! It is. I spent a lot of time and planning to renovate this place when I took over this place from my father. Before I moved in, this place had a modern feel to it. But for me, I enjoy the more ancient feel. The whole top floor is set up like a large courtyard. This is the outer courtyard while through that moon gate over there will bring you into the inner courtyard. There are multiple rooms on each side. A kitchen, living area, dining area, reception area, living quarters for live-in help, and of course the main residence. Although each area has modern touches to them, the outside still keeps the ancient feel to it which helps me relax after a long day. " Shen Xing pointed out each area of the house as he walked into the inner courtyard. Before gently putting Lin Xiaoxiao down.

"It really does have a relaxing feel to it!" Lin Xiaoxiao grabbed Shen Xing's hand interlocking her fingers with his.

"It's late so we should eat before settling into bed. What would you like I will ask the cook to prepare it." Shen Xing asked as he ran his hand through LIn Xiaoxiao's hair.

"I'll let you decide I'm not a picky eater." Nodding his head Shen Xing went and notified the kitchen.

After eating Shen Xing brought Lin Xiaoxiao to the main residence where the master bedroom was. "Through that door is the bathroom. You can take a shower first. In the closet, there is towels and bathrobes."

Lin Xiaoxiao blushed as she thought of how she was about to take a shower in her boyfriend's house. Although she was a little embarrassed Lin Xiaoxiao nodded her head and entered the bathroom and closed the door. She walked over to the shower and turned it on before she started to remove her clothes. Right as she had finished pulling her panties off she heard the door behind her open which gave her a start until she saw the fully naked man walking in. Her eyes opened wide as she looked at this body that seemed to be carved by the gods. Her eyes scanned from the man's handsome face to his perfect chest, his set of perfect eight abs, down to his… which swayed with each step. As soon as her eyes locked on to his... she could not take her eyes off of it. It was like it was hypnotizing her as it swayed back and forth.

The man stood in front of her and with his hand tilted her chin up which broke Lin Xiaoxiao's hypnotic state as she looked at the deep dark eyes that were staring down at her. The man lowered his head and placed a soft kiss on her lips as he said: "Let's take one together."

"Un..." The one kiss was all it took and Lin Xiaoxiao's switch was flipped as she pushed her lips against his. Their naked bodies pressed up against each other as their tongues intertwined.

It was a slow gentle kiss. Shen Xing grabbed Lin Xiaoxiao's two butt cheeks and lifted her up forcing her to wrap her legs around his waist and her arms around his neck and then carried her into the shower. Shen Xing pressed her up against the shower wall as he deepened the kiss. It was not until Lin Xiaoxiao felt something poking her butt that she broke the kiss and said: "You can't put it in since I won't have sex until I'm married... But I can still make you feel good." She then reached around and grabbed his… and gently started to stroke it.

"I know little beauty. I will never do anything that you do not want. Nor will I force you to do anything you do not want. I can wait as long as you want." Shen Xing spoke softly into Lin Xiaoxiao's ear.

Lin Xiaoxiao pressed Shen Xing's… up against his abdomen as she positioned her secret garden over Shen Xing's... and pressed her secret garden up against it. With her legs still wrapped around Shen Xing's waist and using the wall behind her for support as she slowly grinded her secret garden up and down on his… while being very careful not to let it enter her. The words that Shen Xing spoke made her very happy on how understanding he was. So this was the only way she could repay him and the closest thing to sex she was willing to do. But even so, from the look on Shen Xing's face, she could see he was feeling good which made her happy inside.

They had just gotten together today but she could not resist this man no matter how much she tried. She felt that the two of them were destined to be together. Never in her life would she have thought she would end up naked in the bathroom of her boyfriend of one day and taking the initiative to grind her own secret garden up against her new boyfriend's...! But Lin Xiaoxiao could not deny that she was feeling very good. Even more so now that Shen Xing was pushing hard up against her. It was not long before Lin Xiaoxiao body convulsed as the pleasure that had built up finally burst out and at the same time Shen Xing let out a grunt as his… tightened up and released stream after stream of his milk all over Lin Xiaoxiao's stomach. Never in her dreams would she think she would have such intimate contact with the opposite sex. She would make sure to hang on to this man with dear life.

Once the two finally relaxed after having such a strong plesurable expeirence the two kissed once more before finally cleaning themselves up. Lin Xiaoxiao did not have any clothes to wear to bed and even in her previous life, she liked to sleep naked and since Shen Xing had already seen all over her, Lin Xiaoxiao figured there was no reason not to sleep comfortably so that exactly what she did. But because of this the two of them did not get much sleep on this first night together...