Enemies Meet

Qin Mei stared at Lin Xiaoxiao a little confused. She did not know exactly what Lin Xiaoxiao meant by being her manager. "Lily, what do you mean by manager?"

"It's like this. I got the female lead role in an upcoming movie called 'The Princess's Knight' and I will be signing on with Empire Entertainment as a new talent. They are going to be assigning me a manager and when I thought about people that would be perfect for the job the first person that entered my mind was you." When Lin Xiaoxiao came here today she was determined to not leave until Qin Mei said yes.

"You got a job as an actress!? When did you even audition?" Qin Mei was really surprised that out of all the jobs in the world Lin Xiaoxiao choose acting.

"I auditioned at the Empire Entertainment talent search they held in Tiyuguan Park to sign on with Empire Entertainment. It just so happened that Director Lou was one of the judges and ended up asking me if I wanted the role of the princess in his upcoming movie." Qin Mei's eyes widen in shock but then she thought of something.

"When did you meet him?" Qin Mei gestured her chin at Shen Xing. Shen Xing seeing how open Qin Mei showed her distrust in him, he really couldn't help but applaud her in his heart. People that showed their true feelings so openly were people who were completely trustworthy. He really wanted Qin Mei to be his baby girls manager now, after seeing her character and straightforwardness.

"When I was leaving the park after my audition we shared a taxi cart and got to know each other then." Lin Xiaoxiao blushed. There was no way she was going to tell Qin Mei that he was the wheelchair pushing bastard, nor would she tell Qin Mei that he also forcefully kissed her when they met again. But Lin Xiaoxiao did not expect that her answer would cause Qin Mei to fly into a rage!

"Soooo… That night that you did not come back to Little Bo' houses, you were with this thing?" Qin Mei's voice was not low and was filled with rage.

"Mei! Please calm down! He did not force me to do anything!" Seeing Qin Mei was about to explode, Lin Xiaoxiao frantically tried to explain the situation.

"If he didn't force you, how could you end up... " Before Qin Mei could finish Lin Xiaoxiao interrupted: "I fell in love with him right from the start!"

Lin Xiaoxiao's words made the whole room go quiet. Even Shen Xing was stunned by Lin Xiaoxiao's sudden declaration of love. Qin Mei looked at the blushing Lin Xiaoxiao and let out a sigh. She could tell that Lin Xiaoxiao was speaking the truth.

After sighing once more she looked at Shen Xing and said: "I already said it once but you better be damn sure you will never hurt Lily."

"Un. You can be, rest assured that there will never be anything in this world that would allow me to hurt Xiaoxiao. If I ever do, at that time I will offer my life up to you to take revenge." Shen Xing said in a very serious tone. There was no trace of lying in his voice or his eyes.

It was only now after studying Shen Xing's eyes did Qin Mei's vigilance against him finally calm down again. "I will hold you to your words." After pausing for a second she looked at Lin Xiaoxiao then at Shen Xing, before closing her eyes and pondering for a second. When she opened them again Qin Mei said: "That manager position I will take it. But I have a condition! I don't care how much I get paid but I want one of those apartments that Little Bo got. So that I can keep a better eye on Lily. I won't be able to feel at ease unless I stay close to her."

Lin Xiaoxiao did not know how to answer since she did not own the building. But her worry was not needed since she heard Shen Xing say: "That's fine and your salary will be double what you are making now." Shen Xing Answered immediately.

Seeing this turn of events Lin Xiaoxiao could not hide her smile. She was really happy that everything worked out. She grabbed Shen Xing's hand and leaned over and gave him a kiss on the cheek as she said: "Thank you Xing!" and then she turned to Qin Mei: "Thank you to Mei! It's because of you that I am here today. Because you went out of your way to help me, I was able to meet Xing, Ruru, and Aunty. I consider all of you my precious family." She had never been so happy. Even in her past life, she could not remember a time she had been this happy. She did have her happy moments but in this life, if it was not for Qin Mei she would not be where she is now. Her life was finally getting on track. She could now rush towards her mission of retaking her throne as the top actress and when she was finally able to stay stable she would deal with that Xi family who treated this body's original owner as a slave before pushing her to her death.

The three chatted for a little while longer which during this time as Qin Mei got to know Shen Xing a little more, her attitude towards him became a bit more friendlier. After about an hour the three got up to leave but right as Lin Xiaoxiao opened the door to the private room she came face to face with someone that she really did not want to see.

"Oh? Who do we have here? If it isn't the little runaway bitch slave." A mocking tone of the girl in front of Lin Xiaoxiao made Lin Xiaoxiao rage build up as she saw who it was.

Calming herself down Lin Xiaoxiao looked at the girl in front of her and Put on a smile that was not a smile as she said: "If it wasn't Xi Yanfen one of the illegitimate children of the Xi family." Lin Xiaoxiao then looked at the three men who were with Xi Yanfen as she continued " Did you come here to spread your legs for some men? Seems like you are your mother's daughter. All three of your 'friends' seemed to either be engaged or married already." Lin Xiaoxiao looked at the rings on the three men's fingers and then looked at Xi Yanfen's bare fingers. Lin Xiaoxiao's gaze turned cold, the piercing gaze that she looked at Xi Yanfen with sent shivers down Xi Yanfen's spine. There was a moment of silence before Lin Xiaoxiao lips parted as she said: "For women who can only spread their legs and break up perfectly happy families. Do you know what they are called? They are called homewrecking whores. There really is no difference between them and prostitutes. I'm glad you finally found an occupation that suits you."

The three men and Xi Yanfen were all so stunned by Lin Xiaoxiao's words that they were utterly speechless and before they could even come to their sense's Lin Xiaoxiao, Qin Mei and Shen Xing were already starting to walk away.

When Xi Yanfen finally came back to her senses, her face turned red with anger as she screamed "You fucking slut! Who do you think you are!? Your nothing more than a slave in the Xi family! Wait till I get home and tell mom and dad that you're still alive! They will drag you back and force you to live a life worse than death!" Xi Yanfen was so mad she looked at the floor as she stomped her feet and slammed her purse on the ground. But when she raised her head all she saw was darkness.
