The Overprotective Family Part Two

Everyone was stunned when they saw Lin Xiaoxiao rushing out as she did. Even her bodyguards did not have time to react. Qin Mei who was shocked by Yin Dong's sudden rash behavior only saw him bring his fist back before throwing it right at her. She could only watch as it came towards her since her back was already pressed up against the wall. She cringed and waited for the pain, but suddenly her vision went dark and all she heard was a thump sound. When Qin Mei finally regained her senses she saw Lin Xiaoxiao with her eyes closed. Her head was resting on Qin Mei's shoulders and her body had gone slack. A trail of blood flowed down her neck dripping on to Qin Mei's shoulder. Seeing such a scene Made Qin Mei panic!

"Lily! Lily!" Tears started to roll down Qin Mei's face. She slumped down to the floor holding Lin Xiaoxiao in her arms. She looked up at the man in front of her with a face full of anger as she shouted: "You fucking bastard! You hit my daughter! I'll cut your fucking manhood off!" Qin Mei had lost all reason when she saw the state Lin Xiaoxiao was in. She remembered how this poor girl in her arms had been in a coma for two years due to hitting her head. Now she was hit in the head again because of her. Qin Mei could only think of beating the man in front of her who hit her daughter!

Qin Mei gently laid Lin Xiaoxiao down before she got up and charged at Yin Dong! Yin Dong who was still confused as to what happened all of a sudden felt pain between his legs. When he realized what was going on, Qin Mei had already kicked him with all she had right in his family jewels! He instantly dropped to his knees due to the pain. But it did not end there! Qin Mei swiftly kicked him in the face knocking Yin Dong fully to the ground and when he went to cover his face that was just hit by her, Qin Mei stomped down again right on his family jewels with her full weight! This caused Yin Dong to scream like a pig being slaughtered!

It was only then that Little Bo and the bodyguards finally came out of their shocked states.



Little Bo and the bodyguards yelled as they ran over. Little Bo rushed to Lily's side and started crying when she saw that the blood was dripping down Lin Xiaoxiao's neck. The bodyguards had run over to the man who was laying on the floor rolling back and forth in pain. Zhao Yi looked at Qin Mei who seemed to have lost it and who was about to stomp her foot down again, quickly reached out and stopped her. "Miss Qin we will Handle this, go look at the madam she is still bleeding!" Zhao Yi was somewhat panicked. He had no idea how he was going to explain this situation to Shen Xing! 'Boss is going to kill me for sure!' Zhao Yi looked at the man on the floor who was being restrained by the other bodyguards. A glint of rage streaked through his eyes as he walked over and kicked Yin Dong in his stomach causing a loud cracking sound!

When Qin Mei heard Lin Xiaoxiao was still bleeding her reasoning came back and she quickly rushed back over to Lin Xiaoxiao's side. "Baby I'm sorry! Mother will quickly stop the bleeding." Qin Mei could not believe she lost herself in rage and instead of taking care of Lin Xiaoxiao she went and started beating on the Yin Dong instead!

Qin Mei started to inspect the back of Lin Xiaoxiao's head. When she saw that the blood was coming from a small wound that was not very deep she gave a sigh of relief. 'At least she didn't get her skull cracked open.' From what Qin Mei could see she figured Lin Xiaoxiao was only knocked out from the location of where she got hit. But she still had concerns if Lin Xiaoxiao would wake up or not due to her already having had a previous head trauma which was the cause of her coma last time. Qin Mei looked over at Little Bo who was still crying at her side as she said: "Little Bo call an ambulance."

"No need Miss Qin. One is already on the way." Zhao Yi said as he was walking over towards Qin Mei.

"Who are you?" QIn Mei finally realized the existence of the men in black suits. She had been so preoccupied with everything else she had not paid much attention to her surroundings.

"My name is Zhao Yi. Miss Qin, my team and I are Madams bodyguards." Qin Mei's lips twitched she heard the word bodyguard.

"Mr. Zhao I would like to know what kind of bodyguard allows the person they are supposed to be protecting get knocked out right in front of them" Zhao Yi could only bitterly smile. What could he say? It was really not his fault this time. He quickly explained to Qin Mei about what happened. It was only then did Qin Mei's judgemental gaze change.

"I see. I apologize then. It would seem this was out of your hands. Did my daughter's fiance appoint you to guard my daughter?" Qin Mei asked.

"Yes, Miss Qin it was the president who assigned us to guard the madam." Qin Mei just now realized how Zhao Yi was calling Lin Xiaoxiao madam. This caused her to raise an eyebrow as she thought 'That stinking brat is actually having his people call her madam already? They are not even married yet!' But the more she thought about it, she realized this was for the best since Lin Xiaoxiao would not be called a mistress or something if they were all referring to her as madam.

"Does Shen Xing know what has happened yet?" Zhao Yi felt a cold chill down his spine when he realized he still had to tell the president what had happened.

"I was just about to call him Miss Qin." Zhao Yi slowly took out his cellphone his trembling hands quickly found Shen Xing's number as he hit the call button.

Shen Xing who was in his office sitting behind his desk reading documents, heard his phone ring. When he picked the phone up to see who was calling his eyebrows furrowed. He got a bad feeling when he saw that the person who was calling was Zhao Yi. Hitting the accept button Shen Xing did not get to say any words when he heard Zhao Yi on the other end saying: "P-President something bad happened to the madam..." Just those words were enough to ignite Shen Xing's rage he slammed his fist down onto the table as he yelled: "What happened to Xiaoxiao!?"

Zhao Yi explained to Shen Xing what had occurred and told him about Lin Xiaoxiao's current condition. "Tell the ambulance diver to send her to K Hospital. I'll make a call now so that they know she will be arriving. I'm on my way as well." Shen Xing paused for a moment before saying: "As for that guy deal with him as usual..."

After hanging up the phone Zhao Yi he looked over at Fang De and said: "Cancel all my meetings and call K Hospital and tell them an ambulance will be showing up soon with a young woman named Lily Xiaoxiao. Tell them I will be heading over there as well. Make sure they put her into a VIP room."

"Yes, Boss I will do it right away..." In no time at all Fang De completed everything that Shen Xing had asked of him.

Shen Xing grabbed his coat and walked out of his office. The gaze in his eyes was full of worry as he said quietly "I'm coming baby girl..."