Shen Xing’s Tears

Qin Mei looked at the sleeping girl on the bed and her heart ached. Just knowing that not more than seven months ago Lin Xiaoxiao was laying in a hospital bed the same way made Qin Mei feel even worse. Qin Mei walked over to the bed and sat next to Lin Xiaoxiao before reaching out with her hand to lightly stroke the side of Lin Xiaoxiao's face. Her hand quivered and her lips trembled as Qin Mei remembered how Lin Xiaoxiao threw herself in front of Yin Dong's fist to protect her.

"Baby when you wake up I will make sure this will never happen again. As your mother, I will make sure to protect you instead of the other way around." After finishing her words Qin Mei brushed some loose hair behind Lin Xiaoxiao's ear, Qin Mei then leaned over and kissed Lin Xiaoxiao's forehead softly.

"Miss Qin you should get some rest." Shen Xing who was standing by Qin Mei's side looked over at the sleeping beauty on the bed and wished more than anything that he could wake her up with a kiss.

"Stop with the Miss Qin name. You plan to marry my daughter and I can see it in your eyes that you are serious about her. So just call me mom as she does and I will just call you Xing'er for now on." Qin Mei was no fool she knew that Shen Xing only had eyes for Lin Xiaoxiao. She had seen the way he looks at others and then the way he looks at Lin Xiaoxiao. Anyone with half a brain could tell he was helplessly in love with the girl.

Qin Mei's thoughts were true. Shen Xing eyes would always be looking at Lin Xiaoxiao when she was around. His expression would soften whenever he saw her. But as soon as his eyes moved from Lin Xiaoxiao, even if the girl he was looking at was the top beauty in the nation, his expression would be stiff and cold as ice. 

"If that's what you want then I will not hold back. Mom, there is another bedroom over there that you can get some rest. I have called the moving company and had them take care of finishing up the moving process for you. My assistant Fang De is personally overseeing everything to make sure nothing goes wrong. He has brought over a few female employees to pack up your clothes and any other female-oriented things, so this way no men are touching them." Hearing how well Shen Xing was handling everything she could not help but be amazed. Her only thought was: 'It's no wonder that he is able to handle such a big company. He plans everything down to the last letter.' 

"Then I will have to thank you Xing'er. I will take Little Bo and have a small rest in the other room then." With a faint smile, Qin Mei got off the bed and pulled Little Bo along with her. Little Bo was still at a loss. She had never seen Lin Xiaoxiao in such a state before and had no idea if she was going to be okay or not. Her concern was eating at her so she finally decided to ask.

"Aunty Qin, will Lily be okay?" Qin Mei saw the worried look on Little Bo's face, not wanting to make her even more worried Qin Mei forced a smile and said: "She will be fine. She is just sleeping right now. Come rest with aunty, for now, we will come and check on Lily in a bit." Little Bo could only nod her head and follow along with Qin Mei.

After Qin Mei and Little Bo went into the other room Shen Xing exited the hospital room to find Zhao Yi standing outside. "Zhao Yi, call the others over and have them guard this floor securely. If for any reason anyone from the Xi family shows up throw them out." After giving his orders Shen Xing returned to the room. 

He walked over to Lin Xiaoxiao's bed and pulled up a chair. He reached over and pulled Lin Xiaoxiao's hand into his, massaging it gently as he raised it to his lips kissing the back of her hand. "Xiaoxiao no matter how long you sleep for I will be here to keep you company. Whether it be one day or even a few years I will stay by your side until the day that you wake up. You are the only one who can complete me and are the only one I ever want to be with.

I just hope in the future you won't be as rash to put yourself in danger again. I know you did this for your mother's sake because you wanted to protect her. But you have to make sure you are going to be safe as well. You had five bodyguards all who could have stopped that man. I as your fiance, your future husband, the thing I never want to see happen is you getting hurt." Closing his eyes tears trickled down his cheeks. His heart hurt more than anything seeing his baby girl in such a state and it was only in front of her and for her that he would allow himself to shed tears.