Buttering Up The Mother In Law

After Qin Mei found out that Lin Xiaoxiao was awake, there was a big fuss in the hospital room. Qin Mei and Little Bo both cried their eyes out which took Lin Xiaoxiao quite a bit of effort to calm them down. Lin Xiaoxiao still had to go through a few tests before the doctors would let her go home. Because of this she ended up staying the night at the hospital. But she was not alone, Qin Mei and Little Bo snuggled right up next to Lin Xiaoxiao each on one side of her. As for Shen Xing, he was kicked to the side and forced to sleep by himself in the extra room. Even though he felt it was unfair because they were taking his baby girl away from him, he could only express his grievances in his heart.

It was only the next day at noon when the four had finally reached the Empire Group building. Lin Xiaoxiao was helped out of the car by Shen Xing. Qin Mei and Little Bo got out of the car that was behind them. Qin Mei walked up to Shen Xing and asked: "Xing'er did everything get moved in okay?"

"Un. Fang De said that everything was moved without any issues. We took all your furniture and placed it into storage. I had Fang De get you an entirely new set for the house. If you need anything moved just let the front desk know and they will send people up to help move it around." Qin Mei was at a loss of words. She was about to say something when Shen Xing cut her off.

"I know you probably want to say I shouldn't have gone this far. Just take it as your son in law trying to butter up to his mother in law." Qin Mei's eyebrow twitched.

"Who's your mother in law? You are not married to my daughter yet. If you want to butter me up then you just need to treat my daughter like she is the most precious thing on earth. Humph!" Qin Mei crossed her arms across her chest as she scolded Shen Xing. Shen Xing was a little confused. 'Wasn't it just yesterday she told him to call her mom? Why am I being scolded for saying the word  mother in law?'

"Err... Umm… Miss Qin..." As soon as the words "Miss Qin" came out of Shen Xing's mouth, he was given a death glare by Qin Mei.

Qin Mei pointed her finger at Shen Xing as she scolded: "Who are you calling Miss Qin? Did I not tell to call me mom. It has only been a day and you already forgot what I said yesterday?  Are you sure you can take care of my daughter with your forgetful brain of yours? You're not going to forget that you are engaged to my daughter and go sleep wi…."

"Mother!" Lin Xiaoxiao did not know whether to laugh or cry when she saw how agitated Qin Mei was getting. But Lin Xiaoxiao knew more than anybody that once she got started it was like turning on a faucet and she would keep berating the person in front of her until they wanted to crawl into a hole and die. She had to sit through such a lecture a few months back when she first started her rehab to learn to walk again. This happened all because she wanted to skip one day to relax but ended up spending an hour being scolded by Qin Mei. So if she did not stop Qin Mei now they would end up listening to her yelling at Shen Xing for at least an hour.

Shen Xing at this moment was utterly confused. He was just yelled at for calling her mother in law and now he was being yelled at because he did not call Qin Mei mom. He really could not understand why he was being yelled at!

After being interrupted by Lin Xiaoxiao, Qin Mei just humphed and walked into the building. She seemed to still want to yell at Shen Xing more but since Lin Xiaoxiao stepped in she backed off. Lin Xiaoxiao tugged on Shen Xing's shirt and said: "Sorry. Mom can get into a kind of zone when she's scolding someone and then she won't stop for like an hour. I'll make it up to you tonight and go an extra round no make that two extra rounds since we did get to do it last night." 

Lin Xiaoxiao looked at the handsome face in front of her. Her gaze was like she was looking at a piece of meat that she wanted to eat up. She licked her lips before standing on her tiptoes and kissing Shen Xing on the lips. Shen Xing Smiled as he said "Un. I will make sure to feed you tons of milk in the process." Lin Xiaoxiao face instantly turned red she knew exactly what he was talking about. She just wondered which mouth he was going to feed his milk to...