She Was Found Out!

Three Days Later...

Early morning, the sun's rays were shining through the skylight of the ceiling as a young lady clutched the pillow under her head. 

"Lily you need to get up! We are going to be late on the first day of filming!" Little Bo who was standing at Lin Xiaoxiao's bedside pulling on the pillow that Lin Xiaoxiao seemed to have a death grip on, trying her best to wake up this sleeping girl.

"I'm too sore to get up! Let me stay in bed!" Lin Xiaoiao's groggy voice echoed throughout the room.

"Oh~? And why are you so sore?" A voice filled with anger could be heard coming from outside the room.

"That's cause Xing kept pounding me so hard last night that my hips hurt..." 




LIn Xiaoxiao completely froze when she realized whose voice had asked that question. "Good morning Mother!" Lin Xiaoxiao quickly sat right up causing her messy hair to cover her face. She quickly wiped it to the side to see Qin Mei standing there with her arms crossed across her chest. 

"Good morning my ass! Qin Lily Xiaoxiao, explain to me what you mean by Xing'er was pounding you last night to the point that your hips hurt." Qin Mei had used her connections to register Lin Xiaoxiao under her surname. So Lin Xiaoxiao was now known as Qin Lily Xiaoxiao making Qin Mei and Lin Xiaoxiao officially mother and daughter.

Lin Xiaoxiao knew full well that Qin Mei was really mad. Qin Mei never used her full name unless she was really, really mad at her. Lin Xiaoxiao panicked, she did not know what to say! Her eyes darted back and forth as she tried to come up with some kind of excuse but her mind went fully blank! Lin Xiaoxiao even looked at Little Bo with pleading eyes, only to have Little Bo look the other away trying not to make eye contact with her! 

"M-Mom, you see we-we were being intimate a few nights ago and it accidentally slipped in and so since then we just..." Lin Xiaoxiao decided since she couldn't find an excuse, She would just tell the dirty truth! 

"Enough! Lily, I know you are now an adult and you can make your own decisions. But you need to think of your career right now first! You have not even stepped on to the set yet. What happens if you get pregnant in the next few months? Are you taking birth control? Are you using protection?" Hearing the concern in Qin Mei's voice Lin Xiaoxiao bowed her head down and shook her head honestly. 

"Lily you need to think before you act! How can you not even use protection?" Qin Mei let out a long sigh when she saw Lin Xiaoxiao shrinking back. No matter what Qin Mei knew she could never stay mad at this girl. "Little Bo call the director and tell him we will be a little late. Just say we had to go to the doctors for a quick check-up on Lily's heath." 

"Oh… Ah… Yes, Aunty Mei!" Little Bo who was somewhat stunned to find out that Lin Xiaoxiao had already been doing such intimate things finally came back to reality as she ran into the other room to call Lou Hao.

"Lily we will be going to the hospital first to get you some birth control. You need to take it once a day from now on. I can't stop you from having sex but I can at least reduce your chance of getting pregnant. You will also take a morning-after pill as well today. Also, on the way home, we will pick up a box of condoms for that bast… Ahem for Xing'er." Qin Mei sat on the bed and reached over and pinched Lin Xiaoxiao's cheeks. 

Lin Xiaoxiao rubbed her sore cheeks as she said: "Un... I'll do as mom says!" It was times like this that Lin Xiaoxiao was happy that she met Qin Mei. 

After being adopted by Qin Mei in this life she was able to experience what it was like to have a mother. Someone who would scold you for doing something wrong or look out for you in your time of need. The loving affection one got from a mother was something she never had in her past life. But in this life, she became Qin Mei's daughter and she finally received that love and affection that she so sought after. And this feeling could not make her feel any happier. 

 Lin Xiaoxiao wrapped her arms around Qin Mei and rested her head on her shoulder as she said: "Thank you, mom! Thank you for taking me as your daughter!"

Lin Xiaoxiao's words brought tears to Qin Mei's eyes. She kissed Lin Xiaoxiao on the forehead and hugged her back. "Un. You may be a brat sometimes… But you are I, Qin Mei's daughter. " 

Lin Xiaoxiao smiled as she snuggled into Qin Mei's warm embrace. 'A mothers love was very warm.' Lin Xiaoxiao thought.