Pop Idol Minmin Part One

Grim looks could be seen on several people's faces. Most of the people who spoke out were newbies that had just signed on with their companies and were only here as background cast members. They had no real role other than being an extra. There was only one exception to this and that was an actor named Minmin she was an up and coming teen pop idol. She was pushed in by her company to take on the role of a simple side character who only had a few lines. She was not used to the acting world so she went with the flow earlier in mocking Lin Xiaoxiao. Now her face was completely ashen. She realized she had made a huge mistake!  Minmin was only sixteen she had a long career ahead of her, she did not want it to end because of her own foolish mistake!

Minmin quickly walked forward towards Lin Xiaoxiao. Lin Xiaoxiao saw this young girl coming towards her and raised an eyebrow while waiting to see what would happen next. But to Lin Xiaoxiao's surprise when the girl stood in front of her she dropped to her knees and kowtowed! "Miss Lily, I'm sorry for what I said earlier!"

Everyone was astonished by Minmin's actions. This girl was known to be pretty arrogant ever since she got a little fame as a teen pop idol. But here she was kowtowing and apologizing to Lin Xiaoxiao! Lin Xiaoxiao looked down at the girl and her lips curved upwards. 'Smart girl!' Lin Xiaoxiao knew this girl really wanted to stay on set and expand her horizons this was the only reason why she would do such a degrading thing.  Whether she was sincere in her apology or not Lin Xiaoxaio still liked Minmin's determination not to be kicked out of the cast.

"You, what's your name, stand up first please." Lin Xiaoxiao bent over and helped the young girl up. "Although you were in the wrong in what you said earlier, I will accept your apology since you have gone this far."

Minmin lifted her head and was almost blinded by the beautiful smiling face in front of her. Her cheeks turned red as her face heated up. She could not look away from Lin Xiaoxiao! Hearts could be seen in her eyes as a streak of clear fluid leaked from the corner of her lips and rolled down her chin. She was only broken out of her daze when a girl around her age came walking up and blocked her view of Lin Xiaoxiao.

"Miss Min, I would appreciate it if you didn't look at my sister with such lustful eyes." Little Bo who was watching everything from the side. Noticed the change in expression from Minmin and the look she was giving her sister was the same look her sister's fiance would use to look upon her sister! Not many would see this but Little Bo did. She saw her sister as her pillar of support so she would notice every detail in Lin Xiaoxiao's life. This was also one of the reasons why Lin Xiaoxiao made Little Bo her assistant. Because Little Bo was so perceptive and attentive to her.

"I what? Huh?Ah? I'm so sorry!" Once again Minmin was down on her knees kowtowing. 

A melodic sound of laughter could be heard from behind them Lin Xiaoxiao turned to see Shen Xing walking over to them. "Xing!" Lin Xiaoxiao's eyes lit up when she saw the handsome man walking over. 

"Mmm... Xiaoxiao it seems you made your first fan!" Shen Xing said as his gaze turned onto Minmin. "Miss Min, how would you like to switch companies?" One thing Shen Xing was good at was seeing potential stars for the future. He had seen Minmin's determination to not be cast aside to the point that she would even kowtow to his baby girl. Someone with that kind of determination was bound to go far in the entertainment industry.

"Before you answer Xing, Miss Min please stand up..." Lin Xiaoxiao quickly helped Minmin up once again. Minmin looked up at Lin Xiaoxiao with eyes full of love. "Miss Min, Xing wants to know if you would like to switch companies?" 

"Xing who's Xing?" Minmin was confused at what was going on she seemed to only be looking at Lin Xiaoxiao.

"This man here next to me." Lin Xiaoxiao gestured with her hands to Shen Xing who was standing next to her. "He is the president of Empire Group and owner of Empire Entertainment."

"Hmm? Ahh! When did he get here?" It was like Minmin had been struck by lightning she had no idea when Shen Xing had even appeared.


Lin Xiaoxiao couldn't help but laugh. Minmin had completely ignored Shen Xing's presence altogether! "Xing it seems my charisma is better than yours!" Lin Xiaoxiao said teasingly. 

"Mhm... That just means my baby girl is the best in the world! So I don't mind standing in your shadow." Shen Xing gazed at Lin Xiaoxiao dotingly. This look was a complete one-eighty compared to how he looked at others. Normally he would have a stiff cold expression that made people fear him. As he turned back to Minmin his expression once again reverted back to its usual form. "So Miss Min would you like to join my Empire Entertainment?"