The Xi Sisters

On the way to the restaurant, Minmin had finally woke up. The six of them entered the Dragon Hotel and went to the second floor where the restaurant was located. Many high-class individuals and entertainment stars frequented this restaurant giving it a five-star rating. Just getting a reservation is not easy. Well except for Shen Xing who was able to get one as soon as he called. Of course, this also meant that someone else was going to be very unhappy when they arrived. 

As Lin Xiaoxiao's group arrived they did not have to wait in line a host was already waiting for Shen Xing to arrive when they got there. Just as they were walking past the line a familiar voice rang out.

"What do you mean our reservation is no longer valid? I made this reservation over two weeks ago!" A girl in a pink one-piece dress with frills adorned at the bottom shouted out at the host in front of her. 

"Sister, what do we do?" Another girl in a fire red mini skirt that barely covered her bottom gently tugged on the girl in pink's arm.

This caught the attention of Lin Xiaoxiao's group. When Lin Xiaoxiao looked over her eyes narrowed and became cold. The two people standing at the front arguing with the host were two of the people Lin Xiaoxiao hated most in this life. They were none other than her stepsisters Xi Yanfen and Xi Yanfan. 

Shen Xing also recognized Xi Yanfen and looked at Lin Xiaoxiao. Seeing her cold expression on her face he gently took her hand which made Lin Xiaoxiao turn her head and look at him. She smiled and said: "Xing I will be fine, I just need to help my darling sisters out a little bit." Lin Xiaoxiao gave a sly smile which made Shen Xing shake his head. He knew there was going to be a good show to watch now. 

Lin Xiaoxiao walked over to the hostess counter followed by Shen Xing and the rest. Even though she said she would be fine, they still could not help but be a little worried. Lin Xiaoxiao went into line and whispered to the people waiting behind her two sisters: "Step back a little bit and I will get rid of these two idiots for you." The people in line gave a nod and backed up a bit.

The reason why Lin Xiaoxiao asked the people to back up was, just in case things got a little out of hand. 

"Ahem... Can the prostitute and candy girl please get out of the way  there are other people waiting in line." Lin Xiaoxiao said as she stood there with her arms crossed across her chest. 

"Who are you calling a prostitute?" Xi Yanfen immediately turned around and yelled. Her breasts bounced as she moved almost threatening to fall out of her dress.

"Did I mention a name when I said the word prostitute?" A mocking smile formed on Lin Xiaoxiao's face. 

"Xi Xiaoxiao! You fucking slut! Because of you, I was thrown out of the house!" As soon as Xi Yanfen saw Lin Xiaoxiao her eyes grew wide with rage. She felt it was Lin Xiaoxiao's fault that she was kicked out of her house!

"Elder sister, how could you have done such a thing to your younger sister?" A sweet voice rang out next to Xi Yanfen. Unlike Xi Yanfen, Xi Yanfan was more sensible and knew how to put on the white lotus act. But unfortunately, Xi Yanfan did not realize she was up against someone who was the top actress in her previous life. 

"Elder sister? Xi Xiaoxiao? I'm sorry... Do the two of you have me confused with someone else? My mother is right here and I do not think she has had any other children besides me." Lin Xiaoxiao's expression made her look really confused. She looked at Qin Mei with teary eyes as she said: "Mom are these two girls really my sisters? Such ill-bred women could never be related to us right?"  

Seeing Lin Xiaoxiao's teary eyes made Qin Mei's heart skip a beat. If she did not know that her daughter was acting right now she would think she had done something horrible! She quickly composed herself and said: "Lily my dear, of course, they are not your sisters there is no way a daughter of mine would ever become a prostitute or a candy girl." Qin Mei gently hugged Lin Xiaoxiao and patted her back. 

"I knew mother would never give birth to such trashy women. I mean look how the pink candy girl was yelling at the poor host who was only doing his job." Wiping the tears from her eyes she turned her head and looked at the two sisters of hers with eyes full of disgust. As she revealed a mocking smile on her face that quickly disappeared. But Xi Yanfen and Xi Yanfan did catch a glimpse of it.

Xi Yanfen could not hold back her anger anymore. Being repeatedly called a prostitute over and over brought her anger to its boiling point. She screamed out in rage: "Xi Xiaoxiao you fucking slut!"Before reaching out grabbing at Lin Xiaoxiao!