Beating A Dog!

Lin Xiaoxiao heard Little Bo's call for help and turned around to see her struggling with the young man. The young man had caught ahold of both of Little Bo's wrist and was literally trying to forcefully kiss her out on the street in front of everyone. Little Bo was struggling with all her might as she kept evading his lips every time they came close. Tears rolled down her face as fear could be seen clearly in her eyes.

Lin Xiaoxiao saw this scene in front of her and her eyes immediately turned cold. She ran up behind the young man without saying a word, brought her foot back and slammed the tip of her foot right into the young man's family jewels causing the man to scream out in pain and let go of Little Bo before falling to his knees as he held his now cracked eggs.

"What the fuck are you doing to my sister you piece of shit!" Lin Xiaoxiao knew Little Bo had anxiety issues when approached by others or even looked at. To have a man she did not know grab her and try to force himself on her was a traumatizing thing. Lin Xiaoxiao's rage exploded as she saw Little Bo fall to her knees crying. 

"Minmin help Ruru." Minmin quickly nodded and ran over and helped Little Bo off the ground before moving her to the side. 

Lin Xiaoxiao looked at the man still squirming on the ground as she walked over to him and swiftly kicked him in the face. She hated these types of people the most. Men who think women are just objects for their own selfish desires. She did not hold back as she rolled him over and started to punch him in the face over and over. 

"Fairy Lily stop any more and you might kill him!" Minmin screamed out and ran over and pulled Lin Xiaoxiao off the young man. 

The young man's face was swollen black and blue all over. Blood was flowing from both his nose and mouth. Lin Xiaoxiao had learned many skills in her past life and kung fu was one of them. So she knew how to use her fist very well. 

The young man was holding his face groaning in pain. People around who had watched the scene clapped in applause. These were people who had been watching right from the beginning but yet did nothing at all to stop the situation. Lin Xiaoxiao glared at the crowd but did not say anything. She looked at the young man and wanted to punch him some more but Minmin kept a good hold on her holding her back. 

"Fairy Lily don't, any more and you will be arrested." Hearing Minmin's words caused Lin Xiaoxiao to calm down a bit.

"Fucking bastard deserves worse! No one is allowed to harm my friends or family!" Lin Xiaoxiao looked over at Little Bo who was now huddled on the ground shivering holding her legs with tears still coming from her eyes made her anger rise once again! But since  Minmin had a hold of her arms she couldn't hit him! So she reached her foot out and kicked the young man once again hitting him in the stomach! 

"Minmin let go of me!" Lin Xiaoxiao was so mad she just wanted to beat the young man some more! 

"Fairy Lily please stop!" Tears started to come from Minmin's eyes she did not want to see Lin Xiaoxiao acting this way! She knew that the young man deserved it but she did not want to see Lin Xiaoxiao going to jail because of this young man!

Lin Xiaoxiao turned her head and saw the tears in Minmin's eyes, she snorted and spit on the young man before completely ignoring him. Seeing this Minmin finally relaxed a little and let go of Lin Xiaoxiao. 

Lin Xiaoxiao walked over to Little Bo and gave her a hug as she whispered: "It will be ok Ruru, your sister is here." Little Bo burst out crying as she buried her head into Lin Xiaoxiao's chest. The onlookers could not help but feel pity for her seeing Little Bo cry like that. But yet they did nothing to help her either. While Little Bo cried in her embrace Lin Xiaoxiao pulled her cell phone out and called Shen Xing. 

"Hello? Hey, what's the matter!? Are you okay?" Hearing the crying in the background Shen Xing started to freak out. 

"I'm fine but Ruru is not. Some guy tried to force himself on her out in public. This guy here..." Lin Xiaoxiao switch the call to a video call and showed the image of the man on the ground. 

"What happened to him?" Shen Xing was shocked to see the man's battered face. 

"I kinda went overboard beating him up…. I will need you to make a few calls..." Lin Xiaoxiao's cheeks turned a bit red. For her, it was a bit embarrassing to let Shen Xing know she had acted so violent. 

"Do not worry I will take care of it. But Xiaoxiao where are the bodyguards?" Hearing this question Lin Xiaoxiao froze. 

Knowing she was now caught she meekly whispered: "I kinda didn't bring them with me..."

"We will talk about this when I get home. For now, just get Little Bo back to the house. I will handle the gift for tonight." Lin Xiaoxiao pouted her bottom lip she knew she was in the wrong this time. She had promised Shen Xing that she would take the bodyguards with her when she went out but she didn't bring them with her this time. It had completely skipped her mind to notify them due to her anxiousness about meeting his grandparents tonight! 

"Un… I will see you at home." Feeling a bit dejected Lin Xiaoxiao hung up the phone and helped Little Bo off the ground.  By the time she was off the phone, she saw Zhao Yi running up with a few other men. She had to hand it to Xing he knew exactly where she was without even needing to tell him and the speed they used to get to her was really crazy.

"Madam the car is waiting. Let them handle the rest. " Zhao Yi  motioned for Lin XIaoxiao to follow him. Lin Xiaoxiao nodded and supported Little Bo as they headed over to the car. Leaving the rest to the other bodyguards.

Just before they got into the car Zhao Yi had a helpless expression on his face as he said in a pleading tone. "Madam please notify me when you are going out or the President will kill me!" 

Looking at the distraught expression on Zhao Yi's face made Lin Xiaoxiao feel bad. "Do not worry I will always notify you when I am going somewhere, from now on." She learned her lesson today. Although this was a rare incident it was still an eye-opener for her to be so absent-minded. Her sister almost suffered at the hands of some weirdo.