When Will You Give Me A Grandchild?

Grandma Shen pulled Lin Xiaoxiao into a sitting room within the mansion. There was a maid already on standby within the room with a tray of snacks and tea. It seemed as if Grandma Shen had already prepared everything so that she could have a nice chat with Lin Xiaoxiao. But thanks to Grandma Shen's attitude towards her the nervousness that Lin Xiaoxiao had before was completely swept away.

Grandma Shen sat down next to Lin Xiaoxiao, still holding her hand. But her eyes widen when she felt something on Lin Xiaoxiao's ring finger. She looked down and saw the ring and her mouth opened wide. She looked at Lin Xiaoxiao an asked: "Xiao'er is this what I think it is!?"

Lin Xiaoxiao's cheeks instantly turned red as she slightly nodded "Yes Grandma, Xing and I are engaged." 

"That damn brat! How could he hide such a thing from his Grandmother! If I do not give him a spanking later I will not be able to sleep tonight!" The thought of Shen Xing being spanked by his grandmother made a smile appear on Lin Xiaoxiao's face as she tried to hold her laughter back.

"Grandma it was only the other day that we made our engagement official."Lin Xiaoxiao tried to appease Grandma Shen a little. 

"Humph! Look at you being a good little wife already trying to protect your husband. " Although Grandma Shen had said that sarcastically she could not hide the big smile she had on her face.

"Of course, I have to speak up for Xing otherwise he will get grumpy and won't give me any at ni..." As soon as her words fell Lin Xiaoxiao face turned completely red she had no idea why she just said something like that so bluntly! 

Even Grandma Shen's cheeks turned a little red. But it still made her happy that the two were so intimate already. With blushing cheeks, Grandma Shen couldn't help but confirm what was just said. "So Xiao'er you and that brat are doing… that?"

Lin Xiaoxia felt her face getting hot. She couldn't believe she had just met Shen Xing's Grandmother and they were already talking about this. Too embarrassed to say anything Lin Xiaoxiao could only nod her head to answer. She picked up the cup of tea the maid had just served them and went to take a sip only to spit it back out when she heard Grandma Shen's next question.

"Xiao'er when will you give me a grandchild?" Grandma Shen liked the girl in front of her the moment she saw her. She was beautiful and easy to get along with. Her attitude was not snobbish in any sense and this girl was like her and her husband giving off that laid back feeling. Not to mention this girl immediately tried to protect her grandson when she acted like she was mad at him.

"I'm sorry I didn't mean to..." Lin Xiaoxiao quickly picked up a napkin cleaning up the tea she had just spit out.

"It's fine, It's fine. My question came out of nowhere." Grandma Shen let out a small laugh.

"Grandma to answer your question it might be sooner than we think. We are not trying to have a child at the present time but we seem to be somewhat irresponsible in that sense..." Lin Xiaoxiao's voice trailed off. She would not know until her next cycle if her period will come or not. But by the way they going at it and the amount of time's Shen Xing had released his milk inside of her. She was somewhat sure she would not have her period next month.

"You two have not been using..." A big smile appeared on Grandma Shen 's face. "Xiao'er next month if your period does not come. Come find me and I will accompany you to see the doctor." Grandma Shen was so excited she wanted to be the first to know if her soon to be granddaughter in law was with child or not! 

"Un… I will but it's not for sure yet and if I'm not it probably will not be until a few years before we actually try to have a baby." Lin Xiaoxiao did not want to get Grandma Shen's hopes up. But even her, herself was somewhat hopeful to have a bun in her basket. It could be said to be her motherly instincts kicking in to want a baby.

"I know dear. We will just have to wait and see, as long as you are ok with having a baby with that brat out there." Puasing for a moment Grandma Shen  started to get up while saying: "We should head into the dining room those two fools are probably waiting for us already." Grandma Shen smiled as she got up with the help of Lin Xiaoxiao.

"Un. I will make sure to give you a beautiful grandchild in the near future." Lin Xiaoxiao was not lying, she really wanted to have a baby in the future. When it would happen, she did not know but she did want a child of her own.