To Many Things At Once

Xi Shen's eyes widen when he saw the young man walk in as if he owned the place. He knew who this man was.  Xi Shen had worked day and night in order to get the contracts with his company but his foolish daughter lost it all in one day. 

"P-President Shen I did not expect to see you at my humble home." Lowering his head and giving a slight bow Xi Shen was no fool. The man in front of him could easily make him disappear with a simple wave of his hand. 

"Mmmm… But this is not your home..." Xi Shen was a bit confused at Shen Xing's words.

"President Shen, what do you mean not my home? Of course, this is my home." Shen Xing's smile became even more profound as he shook his head. 

"No, actually it's not. It actually belongs to my Xiaoxiao. Did you not tell her that her mother had left her then entire Xi family fortune? Including this estate and all the money, the Xi family has. It all belongs to a sole person... Xi Xiaoxiao… The same person you enslaved for so many years but did not kill. Because if she died you would lose everything you own. But your wife did not see it that way. She could not wait to get rid of the burden. So she planned to let my Xiaoxiao die in her hospital bed. Paying the hospital a large sum of money to ignore her. If it was not for a nurse who ignored this order and did her best to keep Xiaoxiao alive, I would never have met her. To that nurse, I am very grateful for her actions." Shen Xing's words were a shock not only to Xi Shen but also to Lin Xiaoxiao. 

Lin Xiaoxiao had no idea her mother left her everything. Even her previous body's owner had no idea. To think that she was the sole heiress to the Xi family fortune! This was a huge thing! They owned quite a few companies and were huge in the real estate sector. Not being able to hold her self back Lin Xiaoxiao had to ask: "Xing are you saying that I own everything the Xi family has?"

Walking over in large strides Shen Xing knelt down behind Lin Xiaoxiao as he said in a dotting voice. "Mhm... My Xiaoxiao owns fifty percent of the real estate in City A. Even I was surprised to see how much the Xi family-owned. I had just found this all out recently and since you are of age now this legally all belongs to you."

Lin Xiaoxiao's head was spinning! This was to many things at once! She had no idea how to run a company. She had enough issues running her own life never mind a large company worth millions or even billions! "Xing..." 

Seeing that depressed look on Lin Xiaoxiao's face made Shen Xing laugh inwardly. 'Only his baby girl would look depressed when they found out they inherited a fortune.' But he knew why his baby girl was depressed and had already planned for something like this to happen so in order to make her not worry he said: "It's fine Xiaoxiao I already set up some people to handle the companies for you. Any major decisions will be sent to me and I will then show you the best options for you to choose from or we can just sell it all and you can reinvest it elsewhere. It is up to you." 

Some people would be greedy even if the person was a loved one. When it came to money they would do whatever they could to get their hands on it. But Shen Xing was different he did not care about the money at all he just wanted to help his baby girl do what she wanted to do. If she wanted to sell it all, let her sell it. If she wanted to keep it he would help her run it. Whatever made her happy is what he would do. 

"No, I will keep it if you already have people who can run it. But I want to sell this place and use the money to open up a dedicated acting school. To help others improve their acting skills even if it's only a little bit." The two were sitting there discussing the future of the Xi family properties completely ignoring the dumbfounded Xi Shen. 

After finally snapping out of it, Xi Shen's face turned completely red with anger. "I am the Xi family head! Everything here is being run and managed by me for all these years! This is not something a little bitch like you can handle! Everything belongs to me!" 

Xi Shen started to go crazy in his rage and fear of losing everything. Shen Xing waved his hand and three bodyguards came over to restrain him. Finally free of her bindings Lin Xiaoxiao stood up. Her eyes turned cold. This man was never fit to be a father in the first place. He married her body's previous owner's mother for money and took it all away. Hiding the fact that none of it belonged to him in the first place! 

Walking towards Xi Shen step by step her anger started to pile up. The trash who tortured a young girl because of greed was not even worth being called a human. As she stood in front of Xi Shen her gaze was frosty cold. Her lips parted as she said coldly: "Mr. Xi… I thank you for taking care of the business all these years but as of now you are no longer needed. But before you go there are a few things left unsettled..."