I Want A Baby

It was late at night when Shen Xing finally got Lin Xiaoxiao home. The entire time Lin Xiaoxiao stayed in Shen Xing's arms not saying a word. She had finally stopped crying by the time they were halfway home. All Shen Xing could do was hold her close and give her as much warmth as he could. He had made sure to contact both Little Bo and Qin Mei to let them know she was safe.

Lin Xiaoxiao had never experienced so many emotions all at once. The feelings of hate and sadness that welled up inside her were not just her own but that of the previous owner of her body. It was ingrained into the body to the point that she felt a weight lifted off her shoulders when she finally let it all out. 

During the trip home Lin Xiaoxiao thought hard on what it was she wanted to do in this lifetime. The new life she had been given. She still needed to do something about the twin half-sisters and that slut that her father brought in. But that was just something she could do in passing. As she was lost in thought a strong urge welled up inside her. That urge was something she had been thinking about but figured it was too soon. But now she did not care so much if it was too soon or not. 

Shen Xing with Lin Xiaoxiao still in her embrace stepped off the elevator on the top floor of the Empire Group building where they lived. Lin Xiaoxiao raised her head, her eyes still red from all her crying. Hesitating for a moment, she finally parted her lips and said: "Xing I want a baby..." 

Shen Xing was stunned by this declaration as he tripped on his own feet almost dropping Lin Xiaoxiao! Luckily he caught his balance in time before he did. "Ahem… What brought this on all of a sudden?" 

"I want a child I can raise. A child I can spoil.  A child that can live the life I never had. A child who can have a happy and worry-free childhood. Where the father of that child is the love of my life." Lin Xiaoxiao wrapped her hands around Shen Xing's neck pulling herself up and kissing his lip slightly before continuing. "Xing you have no idea how much i love you. Although it has only been a short time together, I know from the bottom of my heart you are my one and only. The care that you give me and the way that you treat me is something I hold dear in my heart. My everything belongs to you and only you. I have never been so happy before in my life. I want to share that joy with a baby that was created between the two of us. A little boy or girl to call out mommy or daddy as they run through the house. My career will always be there and I can still work while pregnant. If I take care of myself I won't be noticeably pregnant until I'm six months in. By that time The Princess's Knight will be finished filming. allowing me to take a small break." 

Looking down at his baby girl who was biting her lower lip, looking worried that he would reject her request, Shen Xing gave her a loving smile as he lowered his head and kissed her lips. "If Xiaoxiao, the girl I love wants a baby then I will do everything I can to make it happen. Although all we can do is have sex over and over again until a seed is planted." A seductive grin appeared on Shen Xing's face. "So let's get started right away!"  


"Ahh!" As soon as the bedroom door was closed, Shen Xing wasted no time in ripping off Lin Xiaoxiao clothes. Before pushing her onto the bed and pinning her down under him.

Lin Xiaoxiao felt her body get hot as Shen Xing traced kisses all over her stopping to suck hard leaving kiss marks everywhere he went. "Xing~ That feels so good..." Lin Xiaoxiao could help but let out soft moans as Shen Xing worked his fingers in her secret garden as he prepped her valley for a massive invasion. His mouth working her little pink peaks on her little mounds on her chest. Lin Xiaoxiao's breath was getting heavier as she gripped the sheets and curled her toes as the stress of the day that had built up was released in a spasm of pleasure. Her whole body was more sensitive than usual. So she had come to an orgasm a lot quicker than she normally would. 

"Xing... stick... it... in..." Coming down from her orgasm Lin Xiaoxiao wanted Shen Xxing's hard d*ck inside her as soon as possible. 

"As Xiaoxiao wishes!" Happy to obliged to Lin Xiaoxiao's begging request, Shen Xing plunged his d*ck deep into her valley as far as he could. Lin Xiaoxiao instantly cummed once again as she felt Shen Xing's d*ck hitting her baby room. Lin Xiaoxiao could not hold her voice back as she continued to scream out in pleasure, wrapping her legs and arms around Shen Xing pulling him up against her body wanting to merge herself with him. 

Shen Xing pumped in and out of Lin Xiaoxiao's valley fast and hard slamming the tip of his d*ck up against her baby room over and over again. Finally, his d*ck swelled as he pushed it as far as he could until the tip was up against her baby room as he released all his milk. 

Both Lin Xiaoxiao and Shen Xing were panting as Shen Xing laid on top of Lin  Xiaoxiao's body with his d*ck still inside of her. Lin Xiaoxiao kissed his cheek as she squeezed her arms around him before saying: "Again..."