A Quiet Dinner

When Little Bo and Shen Li entered the private room, Shen Li led little Bo to her seat, making sure to pull the seat out for her so that she could easily sit down. Little Bo held her head down slightly as she quietly said "Thank You", she was feeling not just embarrassed but also very shy right now. When Shen Li let go of her hand she felt it was a little regretful. She couldn't help but massage her still warm hand as a faint smile formed on her lips. Of course, this did not escape Lin Xiaoxiao's eyes as she had been watching every one of Little Bo's expressions and movements. Right now, Lin Xiaoxiao was shaking with excitement on the inside! Her sister was finally opening up a little! 

As Shen Li sat down Lin Xiaoxiao spoke up as she said: "You two go ahead and order first. I need to speak to Xing about something in private." Of course, Lin Xiaoxiao was lying. The two, Lin Xiaoxiao and Shen Xing had everything already planned out. Although this was a double date in a sense how could her sister and Shen Li get to know each other better if there was a third and fourth wheel hanging around. Shen Xing had already booked the room next to this one. So while Shen Li and Little Bo had dinner together sitting side by side. Shen Xing and Lin Xiaoxiao would have their own little date in the room next door. 

The plan was extremely simple. Lin Xiaoxia knew that if she entered the restaurant first with Shen Xing that Little Bo would have no choice but to slowly enter with Shen Li. They had already set up the private room that Little Bo and Shen Li were going to be occupying with a hidden camera. Shen Xing did not think they would need to go that far but Lin Xiaoxiao was not going to have it when it was her sister, they were talking about. Shen Xing had no choice but to give in to her demands. In the private room, next door was a laptop that was receiving footage from the room that Little Bo would be in. This way Lin Xiaoxiao would feel comfortable enough to allow her sister to be alone with a man she had just met.

Lin Xiaoxiao and Shen Xing both got up from their seats, seeing this Little Bo started to get nervous. She looked up at Lin Xiaoxiao with pleading eyes that were asking her not to go. Lin Xiaoxiao ignored her pleas as she raced out the door with Shen Xing. Lin Xiaoxiao could not take those puppy dog eyes that Little Bo was using. She felt bad but this was her only way to push her sister to open up a little bit. She would not have left if she did not think that Little Bo liked Shen Li. When she saw that faint smile on Little Bo's lips and the way she was touching her hand that was held by him, she knew that her sister liked him. 

Shen Li who was watching the show from the side had already guessed what was going on. He knew that his cousin and his cousin's fiancee were not coming back anytime soon. It was at that time that both Little Bo's and Shen Li's cell phone went off.

 Little Bo was looking at the message from her sister that showed a picture of her giving a victory sign and a message saying "Good Luck!" a bit dumbfounded. Little Bo wanted to cry! She was not ready to be alone with Shen Li yet! But she knew that Lin Xiaoxiao would never do anything to harm her so she knew that her sister was doing this to help push her forward. With that thought in mind, she sent a message back saying "I will do my best...". Little Bo made a firm decision she wanted to break out of her little world and open up a little bit. If her sister was willing to leave her alone with Shen Li that meant that Shen Li was a good guy. 

The Shen Li message got from Shen Xing just said three simple words. "Take it slow." Shen Li laughed on the inside. As he thought 'I do not need you to tell me that cousin!' He already knew he would need to take it slow with the girl next to him. He had heard about her past and knew she had anxiety issues. He was not one who would do anything that would make the girl feel uncomfortable. 

Soon a waiter came and knocked on the door and asked if they were ready to order. Little Bo ordered her food with great difficulty as she kept stuttering her words. She felt very embarrassed by this. She could not help but sneak peeks at Shen Li to see what his reactions were. But every time she looked at him, he was looking right back at her with a smile on his face. This caused Little Bo to blush even more! Shen Li was indeed watching the girl next to him. He wanted to learn her habits, her likes, her dislikes and anything else that might come in handy in the future. He figured the more he knew about her, the less likely he would do something that might cause her to dislike him. 

Shen Li was just like his cousin before his cousin met Lin Xiaoxiao. Shen Li has done nothing but work all these years without even caring to go out on dates with any one of the opposite sex. His grandmother had set him up many times on blind dates but he never took any interest in those snobbish girls. That was until tonight. The girl who was like a timid rabbit appeared in front of his eyes. A girl who was too shy to even look him in the eye. A girl that was not here to go after his money or his status. She was here for him and him alone. When he first took her hand outside to walk into the restaurant he knew then what kind of girl she was. 

"Miss Bo is everything to your liking?" Breaking the silence between the two the food had already arrived and this entire time they had been eating in silence. But even still this was not to bad at all. A quiet dinner with a beautiful girl was very relaxing.

"Huh!? Ah! Yes, it is..." Shen Li's sudden question gave Little bo a start but as she answered her voice trailed off. As her cheeks blushed.

"That's good. I'm glad." Shen Li smiled although the conversation was no more than a few sentences it was still the best conversation Shen Li has ever had with a girl he was on a date with.

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