Little Bo Gets Cornered!

When their kiss finally broke Little Bo was in a daze. She had no idea what came over her but the kiss just now felt so right. Her face was flushed red as she sat there. Shen Li's face was also red. The feeling of Little Bo's soft lips still lingered on his. It was hard for the two to look at each other in the eye after the kiss. 

Shen Li was the first to recoverer as he said: "Ru'er we should get going. If I bring you home to late I'm sure your sister will have my cousin kill me." 

Shen Li's words broke Little Bo out of her daze. "Ah!? Oh… Un… Umm… Li'er when will I see you again?" Little Bo did not know where she got the courage to ask him this but before she knew it the words were already out of her mouth. 

"Whenever Ru'er wants to see me I will come. All you have to do is ask. Until then why don't we get together again next weekend? Just the two of us?" Shen Li took Little Bo's hand into his. The heat from his palm caused Little Bo to blush more. 

Little Bo nodded her head as she answered: "Un… I'd like that."

"Sounds good then… Let's exchange contact information this way if you ever want to call me just to talk or even just message me you can." Shen Li was very happy right now. The girl who barely spoke at the beginning of the meal was now at least talking with him a little. 

"Ok. Umm… You can call or message me as well..." Little Bo voice trailed off but was still loud enough to be heard. She never thought in her entire life she would be exchanging numbers with a man. Never mind that but she just kissed this man a few minutes ago!

After exchanging numbers the couple left the restaurant hand in hand. To Little Bo and Shen Li this will be a night they will never forget. When they got to the Empire Group building Shen Li walked Little Bo to the door. Little Bo was nervous as they stood in front of the door. Shen Lei was holding both of her hands as the two, faced each other. 

"I will send you a message when I get home." Shen Lei spoke softly as he gazed down at the girl in front of him. Little Bo had her head lowered as she nodded to answer him. 

Little Bo then raised her head and the two's eyes once again met. Little Bo looked at Shen Li's lips as she unconsciously stood on her tiptoes and lean up towards Shen Li's face. Shen Li saw this motion and also leaned down allowing the two's lips to finally touch once again. Shen Li had his hand on the small of Little Bo's back while little Bo had wrapped her arms around Shen Li's waist as the two's togues to intertwined.

Off inside the building peeking around the corner was two sets of eyes. One belonged to Lin Xiaoxiao who was right now hitting Shen Xing's back with her hand out of excitement. The other set of eyes was, of course, Shen Xing's, who was forcefully dragged downstairs to spy on Little Bo when she got back. Lin Xiaoxiao right now seeing her sister kissing a man wanted to scream out in celebration! She literally had to bite her finger in order to keep herself from doing just that. It was just Shen Xing's back that was taking the brunt of her celebration. 

After Shen Li and Little Bo broke their kiss. Little Bo looked down at the ground bashfully. "Then Ru'er I will send you a message when I get home." 

"Un… I will talk to you later. Good night." Still with her head down  Little Bo quietly spoke.

Shen Li found her appearance very cute he leaned forward and kissed the top of her head as he said: "You should head in I will leave after you enter." 

Little Bo nodded her head and reluctantly let go of Shen Li's hand as she walked inside only turning once to wave goodbye. The smile that was on her face warmed Shen Li's heart. But as he watched Little Bo enter the door he saw a shadow come from the other end of the hall and wrap their arms around her! Shen Li was shocked at what was happening but then he saw it was his cousin's fiancee and that she was giving him a thumbs up he did not know if he should laugh or cry!

"Ruru! Tell me everything that happened tonight in full detail!" Little Bo was startled at first but when she realized it was her sister her face turned beat red! How was she supposed to tell anyone that she kissed someone? But then it dawned on her, How long has her sister been here!? This made her whole head turn as red as a tomato! She had done such an embarrassing thing out in public like that! Her sister must have seen them kissing!

Before Little Bo knew what was going on she was already cornered by her sister! She had no way to escape! "I… Umm… We… Ah! We kissed twice..." 

Lin Xiaoxiao's eyes widened when she heard that they kissed twice! She never thought her sister who was scared of others would be so bold! "Ruru I think it's time we had a talk about the birds and the bees." 

Shen Xing who was listening to the comedy show going on in the hall rolled his eyes as he thought to himself. 'You are not one to tell anyone about birds and the bees!'

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