What A Real Family Is Like

Hearing that it was okay to go in and see Lin Xiaoxiao everyone grew excited. But Qin Mei quickly stopped Little Bo. Little Bo looked up at Qin Mei with a confused expression. "Let me go in and explain your situation first or your sister might freak out if she saw you like this."

"Un… That is probably for the best." Little Bo nodded. Qin Mei patted her on the shoulder before going into the room with Shen Xing.

The doctors had flipped Lin Xiaoxiao over so she was now laying on her back. When Lin Xiaoxiao saw Shen Xing and Qin Mei walk in a bright smile formed on her face. "Xing! Mom!" 

"Xiaoxiao will it kill you to stay out of the hospital for more than just a few months? Seems we end up having to visit you in here all the time." Qin Mei said in a teasing tone. 

Lin Xiaoxiao's face blushed red: "It's not like I wanted to be shot you know!" Lin Xiaoxiao stuck out her tongue before realizing she did not see Little Bo "Oh, hows Ruru!?"