No Time For Celebration

Grandma Shen was glaring at her two grandsons. She stood there with her arms crossed while tapping her foot. Grandpa Shen slowly backed away from her. He knew this was a sign that she was about to explode! Shen Xing who was paying attention to Lin Xiaoxiao suddenly felt a cold shiver run down his spine. He turned his head and saw his grandmother standing there fuming!

"You little brats! Do you know how much work you just added for me!?" Not able to hold it in any more Grandma Shen started yelling.

"Gr-Grandmother what do you mean more work?" Shen Li's was paled faced. There was only one person in the family he feared the most and that was his grandmother!

"You stinking brats actually signed marriage certificates at the same time! Now I have to plan another wedding! Shen Li!" Grandma Shen roared. Although she was yelling she was having a hard time suppressing her smile.