She's Waiting For Me

Lin Xiaoxiao nodded. "She did indeed call me… But it was to ask for help then there was a scream and the line went dead. We are currently searching for her. So we came here to see if we could find some clues."

Fen He eyes started to well up with tears. The young miss she had been taking care of had disappeared a few days ago and she had not heard from her since. "Yes... Please search how you like… Take whatever you need if it can help bring my Young Miss home. I can take you to the Young Miss's bedroom now."

"Xiaoxiao you go ahead and search Minmin's room. It would not be right for me to enter. I will ask Miss Fen some more questions." Shen Xing did not feel right entering Minmin's personal space. There was no telling what was lying about that he should not see. Not to mention if the living room area was plastered with his baby girl's pictures the bedroom was probably worse… Just thinking about it made Shen Xing's face go black.