Your Fairy Lily Is Right Here

Qin Mei and Lin Xiaoxiao stayed the night at the hospital looking after Minmin. The next morning Lin Xiaoxiao's sleep was disturbed by her phone ringing. She sleepily opened her eyes and struggled to look at her phone. Seeing that the call was from Little Bo She quickly answered it. 

" Lily! How's Minmin is she okay?" Little Bo's worried voice sounded from the other side of the phone.

"Ruru? I'm sorry I forgot to call and tell you that we had found Minmin. I'm guessing Xing called Brother in Law. Safety-wise she is fine now. But mentally she is not. It will take time for her to recover. Hows Aunty, has she woken up yet?" Lin Xiaoxiao did her best to straighten herself out as she held the phone between her ear and shoulder.