A Quiet Time

Because of all the incidents that had occurred one after the other. Lin Xiaoxiao's and Shen Xing's wedding ceremony was pushed back. The new date was for the thirtieth of this month. Lin Xiaoxiao had already had her dress fitted and was basically kicked out of any of the preparations. Grandma Shen and her mother, Qin Mei were taking care of all the preparations while leaving her with nothing to do. 

Today Shen Xing was at work while Lin Xiaoxiao was currently walking around the back garden of her new home. As Lin Xiaoxiao was walking around she could see a head popping up and down taking peeks at her from the bushes nearby. Smiling, Lin Xiaoxiao pretended not to see as she continued to keep walking looking at the flowers and other plants in the garden. She ignored the fact that the pitter-patter of footsteps could be heard coming from behind her. 

"Rawr!" A voice sounded out behind her as two hands tried to tickle her sides.